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Command and Conquer 3

NOD vs. GDI - Very good game

#1GDIklz  Sep 3 2007, 06:22 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
This is definitely worth a watch! thum.gif This game shows good tactics for NOD and GDI players. I am NOD in this. Hope you like it! banana.gif
#2Ludicrous  Sep 3 2007, 09:44 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Insanely bad game, Nod didnt bother making power plants, efficently rewarding itself with painfully slow buildtimes. Also drn1212, could've won the game after he sold the CY he captured, if he had taken the engineer to the crane that was half a second away. If he had done that, he would've cut off that WF r3c0n* was constructing, that also was responsible for spawning the raider that killed that idle engineer. But no, he just let it stand there.

Also a total lack of micro, especially from drn1212, didnt even bother looking at what was going on when r3c0n blew up his crane. Appearently, placing his WF in a cool fashion is a higher priority.
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