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Command and Conquer 3

Meecrob (Nod) vs. Linkzor (Nod)

#1p3k0p3k0  Mar 29 2007, 19:41 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
This is now the 4th time this has happened to me. I am winning and I get to his last structure and the opponent disconnects. What really pissed me off about this game was that just before he quits he says "lol I win"
To add insult to injury, after he disconnects, my C&C3 freezes but I wait 5 minutes before I can regain control of my computer (completely frozen). This kind of stuff really has to be fixed somehow because I'm tired of this happening.
Mind you, this is the Last Replay file. I couldn't get a proper replay because my C&C3 froze. I also have a screenshot of him disconnecting. Here's the file.
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