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Budwise & Prodromus, Malgoroth

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# 1Budwise Nov 23 2008, 19:30 PM
Hey fellas, I'll start out with some handy linkage to Reborn Ventrilo.


I hope you have a mic as it makes this much easier.

For now, just give me some quick ideas of what you want out of this. What faction do you play most or want to work on most? What faction gives you the most problems playing against? What skill level are you? 1v1's or team games?

Feel free to post up replays here so I can go over them. When you post the replays, give me some details about what you think went wrong or right in the game. Ask questions about strats or something, dont just post replays with no text or information please.

Lets git er done.

PS- Here is some good reading from several mentor sessions ago. Compliments of 12azor and 13lade.


Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 2Prodromus Nov 23 2008, 20:22 PM
Hi there,
I do have a mic, so that's not a problem. My basic info:
I'm on the east coast of the US (GMT-5) and I usually play in the 9pm-1am timeframe (early afternoon on weekends though). I'm mainly interested in getting help with the vanilla factions, I'm lvl 8 US and 7 Wehr. I play 1v1 and 2v2 but I'm probably more interested in 1v1 help right since the people I play 2v2 with don't really have time for mentoring. I can certainly use some help vs. the OF factions- I've been checking out some replays recently on that front but haven't had much chance to try new stuff out so I'll post some replays soon.

I haven't been playing much coh the last couple of weeks (left 4 dead is sweet) but I'm ready to get back in and work on my game.

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 3Malgoroth Nov 24 2008, 09:33 AM
I was really really looking forward to this.... but an unexpected move will probably keep me from the internet for a few days. Hopefully not to long however since I've been geeking out over this for the last week.

I'm a level 8 Wehr and PE player. I dabble with the allied factions but mostly I stick with the axis. It's something I need to work on. I do have a mic and I am usually on (when I have internet) during the 9pm-3am stretch. My biggest problem is my macro. I lose sight of the big picture to much it seems. More so in 2v2s where all the activity distracts the shit out of me... but I'm down for some schooling in both 1v1s and 2v2s.

And like I said... I'm going to try to get my internet up and running as soon as humanly possible. Violently if need be.

Posts: 602

Game: Company of Heroes

# 4Budwise Nov 24 2008, 16:19 PM
sounds good guys. Lets get some replays and some games going. If you guys are up for it, play each other. Its easier for me to do shoutcasts on games than sit and review them in detail with writing so for most games expect me to do an educational shoutcast instead of a written review. This way you can go back, rewatch your game, and see what I see as it unfolds.

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 5Prodromus Nov 24 2008, 18:01 PM
Ok cool, my ladder name on RO is the same as here: Prodromus. What do you go by Malgoroth? Hopefully we can get friended up and play some practice games when you get your internet back up.

In the meantime I'll try to post a few replays.

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 6Budwise Nov 24 2008, 21:36 PM
my RO names are BudwiseReborn and TherapistFor500. Friend request me and I can play a few most nights.

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 7Malgoroth Nov 25 2008, 22:42 PM
I'm on as LordMalgoroth or TheGoatlord.

My cable 'company' (I use the term loosely. Mostly I think it's a couple of dirty goblins in a basement flipping switches) says the earliest they can hook my internet back up is NEXT thursday. As in the 4th of December. Something tells me they are a bunch of filthy, lazy, butt pirates... But there's my ETA for you post-13661-1143531603.gif

I am more than a little dissapointed, but still very much looking forward to playing some games eventually.

Posts: 602

Game: Company of Heroes

# 8Budwise Nov 26 2008, 04:49 AM
no problem man, see you on thursday.

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 9Prodromus Nov 27 2008, 03:49 AM
I've only had time for a couple quick games so far this week and they ended up as fairly easy wins so no replays from me yet. I'll get some good gaming time this weekend though- I hope to play a lot on Friday so I should have some replays to post and maybe I'll see you on.

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 10Prodromus Nov 29 2008, 01:56 AM
Ok, I got my buttocks handed to me a couple times today. Even the games I won today weren't pretty, maybe I'm rusty or perhaps I just forgot how much I suck. smile.gif I felt like I wasn't thinking deeply enough about what I was doing, like I was just going through the motions. Anyway, on both games it seemed that I lost early battles by getting flanked and then was never really able to recover. I think I need to start the game with a more defined idea of what I want to do, like tier 2 terror or what not.

On this game, I think I made the wrong decision to go left. Once things went badly I didn't pick a definitive strategy and stick with it, I was too scattered with my efforts I think. Also, I should have made a more concerted effort to tech up earlier, that would have helped a lot I think. I could really use some advice about how/where to set up MGs for effective arcs of fire and how best to protect my flanks. A medic bunker would have been useful here too.

Attached File owned_on_ango-_wehr.rec
Size: 277.17k
Number of downloads: 60
Player Name Side Team
PrivatePOUP 1
Prodromus 2

In this game I thought things were going ok at the very beginning but then as soon as I got a bunker up- in came a massive flank with flamers and bars and that was pretty much gg. When I get pushed off the map like that I have a lot of trouble coming back- I could use some tips on how to deal with early setbacks. I know you can't always bring it back but I felt lost after that happened and wasn't sure what to do.

Attached File loss-langre-wehr.rec
Size: 340.26k
Number of downloads: 57
Player Name Side Team
Prodromus 2

These guys were both higher level than I am so I need to figure out how to play in their league if I want to move up. I'm curious about your general approach to a game budwise. I know that improvising and changing things on the fly is part of the game, but how specific of a strat do you have layed out when the game starts? Do you have standard openings on the various maps?

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 11Budwise Nov 29 2008, 03:28 AM
Yea, you had several CP in both games but didnt ever make a decision. If reinforcing from a bunker, touching on T2 for a bit and moving to T4 and using For the Fatherland for its massive defensive bonuses sounds good then go Defensive. If you dont plan on making it to T4 and just want to get alot of vetted Grens with mortar and pak support until a KT then go terror. You can of course mix it up a bit but thats the general idea. As I mention in the audio clips, get your MG into the fight whenever its possible. Dont leave them sitting back as a defensive unit UNLESS you plan to lure rifles into it. Predicting a flank just takes practice. Pointing MG's in the complete same direction is counter productive. Use their wide arcs of fire to create large nets of MG fire for rifles to fall prey too. Point one MG one way and the other a little off another direction where a flank may be coming. You can also have your 2nd MG not set up but just standing there and when you see the flank coming you then point it. Anyway, there is plenty of potential here for better play so keep at it.

Attached File(s)
Attached File vsJunior.mp3
Size: 13.04mb
Number of downloads: 96
Attached File vsPrivatePOUP.mp3
Size: 11.71mb
Number of downloads: 86

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 12Prodromus Nov 29 2008, 23:44 PM
Cool, thanks for the shoutcasts-it's helpful to have your comments as I'm rewatching the replay. I have some very definite ideas of specific things to work on now.


Ok, I won my first 3 today pretty easily and then lost a couple bad ones. I really suck as wehrmacht. Ok, here is a loss vs. a WSC start on sturz. Yes, you read that correctly- I lost to a WSC start. I had to wait a while to post it because I was so livid this would have been nothing but expletives. Once again I think the lesson is unit preservation. I lost my first sniper because I too aggressive with it and my ostwind as well- I didn't see the AT gun. His snipers and airborne gave me problems all game.

Attached File vs._sdf1.rec
Size: 324.37k
Number of downloads: 57
Player Name Side Team
sdf1 1
Prodromus 2

Here's one I lost on Semois, I picked a bad house for my first MG and it didn't get into the first battle. Things went downhill from there. I probably should have gone for the sides and just kept my bridge open when it became clear I wasn't going to be successful in the middle. I was losing too many units and got AT out too slowly and the M8 owned me. I lost a schreck squad attacking ground to blow up an M8 mine- thought I was further away from it.

Attached File loss-semois.rec
Size: 206.58k
Number of downloads: 61
Player Name Side Team
ICanRideMyBike 1
Prodromus 2

On the plus side, in my sole US game today I had a nice win vs. a decent PE player, so I was pumped about that.

This post has been edited by Prodromus: Nov 30 2008, 23:52 PM

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 13Budwise Dec 2 2008, 05:08 AM
Here's the thread documenting "The Struggle" to get lvl 10 in 1v1's. I never tried ranking up 1v1 since I've always been more of a team player so its been fun. There are some good replays in there against lvl 9-10's.


I'll do some shoutcasts on those two games tomorrow most likely. Sorry to not stop to talk today when you were online, I was on a streak so I figured i should roll with it smile.gif 80 slots left to lvl 10 Americans and then I can focus on Wehr and PE.

This post has been edited by Budwise: Dec 2 2008, 05:25 AM

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 14Prodromus Dec 2 2008, 06:00 AM
Oh yeah, don't worry about it- good luck with level 10. I only had time for a couple quick games tonight- but they were wins! I've got a 5 streak on US right now. I'll watch those replays in the other thread- hopefully I'll be competing with that caliber of player eventually. smile.gif

'Grats on hitting 10!

This post has been edited by Prodromus: Dec 3 2008, 19:21 PM

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 15Budwise Dec 6 2008, 02:39 AM
I'll get the shoutcast up over the weekend at some point. Its my Bday tomorrow though so no telling what's going on biggrin.gif

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 16Prodromus Dec 6 2008, 07:17 AM
No worries man, enjoy your birthday instead of shoutcasting- I can wait a while. smile.gif

No new replays- I managed to hit level 8 on wehr yesterday. Hopefully I won't lose it, I plan to get some games in tomorrow so I'll have some replays and strategy questions up by the end of the weekend.

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 17Prodromus Dec 6 2008, 23:34 PM
Here's a question for you- I've seen you using the 4ES in some of your replays and the current rotw has it as well. What is the best way to counter it as wehr (or PE for that matter)? I ran up against it today and won, but only because my opponent wasn't all that good.

What are the tactics/strategies I should be using when I see that my opponent is going with that strat?

I'm also interested in trying the 4ES myself, do you know if there is a guide for it on GR?

This post has been edited by Prodromus: Dec 7 2008, 06:30 AM

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 18Budwise Dec 7 2008, 18:18 PM
Here's what you are looking for.


To counter it is pretty tough as PE. Inf HT rush their base and dont let them tech is one option. P4 Rush is another option. Luft always helps because of the cloaked ketten for the snipers.

As Wehr its simply a minesweeper, a bike, and a sniper with better micro that your opponent.

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 19Prodromus Dec 9 2008, 04:24 AM
Ok, I tried 4ES for the first time tonight. I made a lot of mistakes, but I think some of it will come with practice. My opponent wasn't particularly good (well, he beat me) but was pretty experienced- level 9 with a 1300-1300 record.
It was on semois, and I forgot to get mines down. I know it's central to the strat but I just didn't think about it until about 10 seconds before I needed them which was of course too late. I didn't scout enough and so didn't see his OP on fuel, so the first ostwind really pushed me back. I stayed in some fights I probably should have retreated from and I should have gotten an AT gun out earlier- that really would have turned things I think. I also wasn't doing enough nuisance capping. All-in-all lots of mistakes, but it was fun to try something new so I think I'll keep playing around with it. It should improve my sniper micro if nothing else. smile.gif I'd appreciate any critiques you have.

Thanks for the link to the guide. Here's a general question for you, and it may be hard to answer, but I feel as if I have trouble prioritizing what to do. How do you decided how to allocate your troops (between capping, fighting on the main front, fighting a lone unit/mg somewhere)? Is that just experience? I think I have a tendency to spread my troops too thin- doing too many things at once.

Attached File 4es-tonypnho.rec
Size: 396.15k
Number of downloads: 57
Player Name Side Team
Prodromus 1
tonypnho 2

Posts: 172

Game: Company of Heroes

# 20Budwise Dec 9 2008, 16:23 PM
yea, 4ES on Semois in general doesnt work too well. I'll watch it tonight though.

Posts: 10,438

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes


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