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Rest in peace Marinez Reborn

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# 1Xcom May 12 2022, 05:10 AM
With great sadness, and I'm not really sure how to broach this subject but I feel it is my duty to let everyone know that Marinez Reborn has passed away as of (~5th May 2022).

I'm finding it hard to put into words and deal with the sadness I feel that Marinez is gone.

I feel I knew him as we have been in the same clan for over 10 years, although as is often the case with even your closest relatives you never really know anyone completely. Mostly the things you know about people are only what they want you to know. Especially on the internet; it is easy to only show people what you want them to see. It sadens me greatly that I never really knew what he was going through, and his death came as a massive shock.

I recently lost touch with many people in Reborn, I hadn't spoken to Marinez in Months possibly a year or so because I can't deal with discord. However I always saw him online playing games, DOTA2 and recently Rimworld. I would often load up DOTA2 before bed just to spectate his games because he was the best of anyone I know and his play style in COH1 and DOTA2 was always fast, innovative and fun to watch. I really enjoyed watching him play Pudge and run around the map ambushing people with skillful hooks. He was just great at the game and had a deep understanding of both it and the psychology of other players. I never really saw him get angry, he was a far better sport that I was. When I beat him in COH1 a few years ago he was out of practice and said well played. When he beat me a few days/months later, I called him a cunt; thats on me.

My first memories of Marinez were of a young kid sitting at home playing COH1 with the squark of a million birds behind him. He was interested in science and hadn't decided what to do with his life. He spoke of joining the Marinez to pay for college. He apparently chose his name Marinez because he thought people would read it as Marines... although when everyone called him Marinez he just went with it. Eventually he got old enough, finished school and shipped off to join the Marines. I hope the the COH1 community will always remember him as the guy who invented the Four Engineer Start 4ES with snipers, flamers and rangers. He refined it wrote it up and released replays packs so other people could enjoy it too and perhaps learn to counter it.

I have no idea about his time in the Marines he didn't say much about it but thats where he met his wife, got married and had a kid. When he got back from his tours of duty he would occasionally stream with the family in the background, and he'll be remembered too for many of those streams. He saw the world through those tours of duty, had a family and played games with skill; he was a great guy to talk to frendly and intelligent and he got to see a lot of what life has to offer.

Both him and Mary lou spent time in the Reborn minecraft server. There are still so many of his creations standing in that map I still host it, and many of us in reborn spent hours there building together and spending time admiring each others creations, with the sheer time and scale of our hours spend there I consider time well spent.

I'll always miss him. Deeply. Life goes on, the world has lost someone with great tallent and so much potential, he went too soon.


Posts: 955

Clan: Reborn

Game: Company of Heroes

# 2djw2104 May 12 2022, 12:52 PM

Condolences to all of his family and friends.

Posts: 37,506

Game: None

# 3Contador Jun 6 2022, 19:00 PM
RIP sad.gif

Posts: 5,420

Clan: Insane

Game: Company of Heroes

# 4Finndu Jun 26 2022, 23:13 PM
Getting back into CoH after a long time.
Some names i still remember. I with everyone close to him a strong heart.
Thank you for the post @Xcom

Posts: 49

Game: Company of Heroes

# 5Spankyy Sep 16 2022, 07:39 AM
Didn't know him personally but I remember him from the game and in the forums. Seemed like a really cool guy. My condolences to his family and friends, sad news indeed.

Posts: 4,034

Clan: Wheres My Demo

Game: Company of Heroes


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