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‘History of Middle-Earth’

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# 21KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:53 PM
The peace in Middle-Earth
After Saurons defeat, he returned to Mordor. From this time on, Sauron became known as the Dark Lord of Mordor. He raised Barad-dûr, the Dark Tower, not far from Mount Doom. He gave his sixteen Rings to lords of Men and Dwarves, giving them nine and seven respectively. Dwarves proved too resilient to corrupt, but the Men became enslaved to Sauron as the Nazgûl (Ringwraiths), his most feared servants. Sauron regained control over all of the creatures that had served Morgoth in the First Age and still existed in the Second Age (such as Orcs and Trolls), both on the earth and under it. Sauron also gained power over most of the Men who lived in the east and the south, becoming a god-king unto them. As a result, towards the end of the Second Age, Sauron assumed the titles of Lord of the Earth and King of Men.
However, he seems to have left the Elves in Lórien and Lindon alone.

On the good side there was held the first White Council. Gil-galad appointed Elrond as his vice-regent, and Elrond went to live at Rivendell which became a stronghold of the Elves in eastern Eriador. Gil-galad remained in Lindon in the west. In the centuries after Sauron's defeat, Gil-galad's power increased and expanded in northwestern Middle-earth.

War against Sauron - Sauron taken as prisoner

Towards the end of the Second Age, Sauron assumed the titles of Lord of the Earth and King of Men.

^^Note this everyone, that's important. Ar-Pharazôn would not permit anyone to challenge him to the title King of Men.Sauron began attacking Numenorian settlements in Middle Earth with the intent of driving the Numenorean colonists into the sea.
As Sauron hoped for, Ar-Pharazon's vanity and pride awoke. The outraged king declared that he is the King of Men and is determined to make Sauron regret his words.
Ar-Pharazôn gathered a mighty army and sailed to Middle-earth and landed at Umbar. Seeing the might of Númenor, Sauron's armies fled and Sauron surrendered without a fight.
Sauron comes and humbles himself, seeing the time is not ripe to assert his control over the Dunedain. He uses craft and guile, and a smooth tongue, to mollify the monarch. All he says seems both wise and fair to the assembled gentry of Numenor.

Ar-Pharazon is not convinced and doesn't trust him. He orders Sauron be taken to Numenor as a hostage.

This was exactly what Sauron hoped for. He was brought to Numenor and soon began working himself to higher positions, until he became the King's counsellor

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 22KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:54 PM
War against Sauron -The fall of Numenor, Akallabeth
The Númenóreans were forbidden by the Valar from sailing so far westward that Numenor was no longer visible; for fear that they would come upon the Undying Lands, to which Men could not come. Over time the Numenoreans came to mutter against the Ban of the Valar and to rebel against their authority, seeking the everlasting life that they believed was begrudged them.

Sauron promised the Numenoreans immortality if they worshipped Melkor. Ar-Pharazôn built a 500 foot tall temple to Morgoth, in which he offered human sacrifices to him(those selected to be sacrificed were Elendili, Númenóreans who were still faithful to the Elves).
The white tree Nimloth the Fair, which stood before the King's House in Armenelos and whose fate was said to be tied to the line of kings, was chopped down and burned as a sacrifice to Morgoth at Sauron's direction. Isildur, heroically and at great personal risk, rescued a fruit of the tree which became the White Tree of Gondor, preserving the ancient line of trees.
Prompted by Sauron and fearing death and old age, Ar-Pharazôn built a great armada and set sail into the West to make war upon the Valar and seize the Undying Lands. Sauron remained behind. In 3319 2nd Age, Ar-Pharazôn landed on the shores of Aman. As the Valar were forbidden to take direct action against Men, Manwë called upon Eru. The Undying Lands were removed from the world forever, and the formerly flat Earth was made into a globe. Númenor was overwhelmed in the cataclysm and sank beneath the sea, killing its inhabitants, including the body of Sauron who was thereby robbed of his ability to assume fair forms.

Armandil, Elendil, his sons and the other faithfuls had foreseen the disaster that was to befall Numenor. Armandil set out for Valinor seeking aid from the Valar. It is not known if he ever came to Valinor. Meanwhile Elendil and his sons had set sail in nine ships before the island fell.
A poweful wind from the west came and they landed in Middle-earth. There they founded the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor.

War against Sauron - Establishment of the new realms, Arnor and Gondor
Elendil, his sons Isildur and Anárion, and their supporters fled to Middle-earth at the Downfall of Númenor, sailing east in nine ships and founding the realms of Arnor and Gondor in Middle-earth. With them they took the palantíri, the "Seeing Stones" that were given to the Lords of Andúnie by the Elves of Tol Eressëa and the seedling of Nimloth
Elendil landed in the north near the Elven realm of Lindon, and there established the realm of Arnor, but Isildur and Anárion landed in the south of Middle-earth, establishing the realm of Gondor.
As he landed on Middle-earth Elendil said: Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta. Aragorn said the same when he was crowned. It means "Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world."
He founded the city of Annúminas. His son Anárion founded the city of Minas Anor in Anórien, and his son Isildur founded Minas Ithil in Ithilien. Across the Anduin the city of Osgiliath was built.Minas Anor and the outlying region of Anórien were named after the Sun, but also after Anárion. Minas Ithil and Ithilien across the river Anduin were named after the Moon, and Isildur.. Across the realms, towers were built for the seeing-stones called palantíri, with which the realms kept contact.

When one looks in it, he can communicate with other Stones and anyone who might be looking into them. People of great power can use the Stones to see virtually any part of the world. They were made by Fëanor. Many palantíri were made, but the number is not known. Some had power over other Stones. The stones had various sizes. The smallest had a diameter of about a foot, while the largest filled a large chamber. The Master Stone was kept in the tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa, but no record is made of successful communication from any palantír of Middle-earth to this one. They are known to have a power over people, as seen from the experience of Peregrin Took and the Orthanc-stone.The stones' gaze can pierce anything except darkness and shadow.
Some of the stones were given to the Dúnedain of Númenor as a gift, during the Second Age. Elendil took seven with him on his flight to Middle-earth, and after the Kingdoms in Exile had been established, they were distributed among seven places: four in Gondor and three in Arnor.

Stones of Arnor
One Stone was placed in the tower of Elostirion in the Tower Hills, just west of the Shire.The tower was built by Gil-Galad for Elendil. Until it was taken back to the West with the three Elven Rings, it could be used to look along the Straight Road to Avallónë.

Amon Sûl and Annúminas
The other two Stones in Arnor were those of the watch-tower of Amon Sûl and the city of Annúminas.

Stones of Gondor
The Stone of Osgiliath was the largest stone among the seven, and chief among them. It was placed in a tower on the great bridge in Osgiliath that crossed the Anduin. The domed ceiling was painted to resemble a starry sky, and gave its name (os-giliath, the Dome of Stars) to the city itself.

Minas Ithil
One Stone was placed at Minas Ithil.

One Stone was placed at Angrenost(Isengard) in Orthanc, the great tower built by the Dúnedain in the Second Age.

Minas Anor
One Stone was placed at Minas Anor

This post has been edited by Noldor Warrior KingElros: Nov 28 2006, 19:55 PM

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 23KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:55 PM
Last Alliance of Men and Elves, the mustering
When Sauron returned after escaping Numenor's destruction, he attacked Minas Ithil in 3429. Though the White Tree was burned, Isildur and his family managed to escape down the Anduin with a seedling, seeking his father Elendil.
Gil-galad and Elendil formed an alliance to defeat Sauron which became known as the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.
Gil-galad led an army of Elves eastward from Lindon. Elrond was his herald, and Cirdan accompanied him as well. For battle, Gil-galad wore shining mail and a helm, and he bore the great spear Aiglos and a silver shield set with white stars.

Elendil watched for Gil-galad's arrival from the Tower of Amon Sul on Weathertop and they proceeded to Rivendell in 3431. Their united armies were the greatest force assembled in Middle-Earth since the Host of the Valar waged war on Morgoth, and nothing like it was ever seen again.
The armies of the Last Alliance crossed the Misty Mountains and marched southward along the Anduin. Gil-galad summoned the Wood-elves from the forests along the Anduin. The Alliance was joined by the forces of Amdir of Lothlorien and Oropher and Thranduil of Greenwood the Great.

Last Alliance - The Battle of Dagorlad
The word dagorlad means 'battle plain' in the Sindarin.
The battle took place on the great, treeless, open plain between Emyn Muil and Cirith Gorgor.
The Silvan Elves distrusted both the Dúnedain and the Noldor in particular; as a result they did not place their army under the supreme command of Gil-galad. During the Battle of Dagorlad, roughly two-thirds of their force was driven into the Dead Marshes. Oropher himself disregarded Gil-galad's orders and led a reckless assault upon Mordor in which he was slain. Gil-galad hastened to rescue him, but he was too late. Rule of the Silvan Elves and field command of their remaining strength (barely a third)Thranduil
The army of the Last Alliance won the battle and was able to attack the Morannon, the entrance to Sauron's land of Mordor.

The Siege of Barad-Dur
The siege was fought from 3434 through 3441. It was the final battle in the war between the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and the forces of Mordor. The Alliance forces were led by Gil-galad and Elendil while the forces of Mordor were led by the Dark Lord Sauron.
Anárion was killed(Was hit by a stone in the head if I remember correct). At the end Sauron emerged from his tower and engaged the Alliance forces personally. In a final confrontation near Mount Doom Sauron killed both Gil-galad and Elendil, but was also cast down himself.Isildur took the remains of his father's broken sword Narsil, and used it to cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand. At that point Sauron's spirit departed his body, but did not truly perish. Elrond and Cirdan counselled Isildur to destroy the ring.But Isildur desired the Ring for its beauty and as compensation for his father and brother's deaths, and refused to destroy it. The good missed an opportunity to defeat Sauron once and for all. For this the elves lamented, they had lost their High-King and their sacrifices were kinda in vaine.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 24KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:56 PM
Third Age

Battle of the Gladden Fields
Isildur remained in Gondor for several years before returning to Arnor.He sent most of his army back home,and kept some two hundreds with him.
They set out for Rivendell expecting to march there within fifteen days.
As the sun was setting and the army was preparing to make camp for the night, a large band of orcs appeared out of the trees and attacked. The orcs had many more warriors than Isildur, and Isildur gave his father's sword, Narsil into the keeping of his esquire, Ohtar who he commanded to escape to Rivendell. They escaped the orcs and came into Elrond's valley some months later.
Isildur and his army were able to easily beat off the attack with their superior tactics and armour. He was still concerned and the army moved down closer to the river, although they only expected the orcs to send their scouts after Isildur's stronger force as they would usually do after being defeated.
The orcs attacked again, committing all of their forces and they soon had the Dúnedain surrounded. Although the archers were taking out many of the orcs, there were far too few and the sun was setting. The orcs attacked at the sound of their trumpets but were kept back by the long reach of the Dúnedain weaponry. They drew back to reconsider and charged again. This time two or even more orcs would jump up at a single Dúnadan and crush him. He was then dragged out and killed.
The orcs paid as much as five-to-one,but they could afford it. Isildur and Elendur were rallying the men as Aratan had been killed in such an attack, Ciryon dying in an attempt to save him. Elendur commanded his father to flee and sealed his own fate. Soon all of the remaining Dúnedain were dead
Isildur put on the ring, hoping to escape under the cover of the Ring's power of invisibility. Fleeing to the Anduin, he cast off his armour and tried to swim to the other side of the river but the Ring slipped from his finger. Despite the darkness, the Elendilmir that he was wearing gave his position away to the orcs on the far bank seeking survivors from the attack, and Isildur being unarmed was killed by their poisoned arrows

Thranduil hastened to the battle, hoping to save the Dúnedain, but he was unable to do anything beyond stopping the mutilation of the bodies.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 25KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:56 PM
The Battle of Fornost
The Battle of Fornost was fought in the year 1975. Gondor had finally defeated the assault from the east and sent forces to Arnor led by Earnur.They sailed into the harbours at Mithlond and were joined by the Elves of Lindon and the remnant of the Dúnedain, and they marched east to avenge the loss of Arthedain. Also a force from Rivendell,lead by Glorfindel, was sent out.
Angmar rode west to meet the assault, and seeing this, the cavalry of Gondor under Eärnur rode north into the Hills of Evendim to wait in ambush.They met the Witch-king's armies at the plains of Fornost. As the main army of Gondor met the enemy and the battle began, the cavalry of Gondor attacked Angmar in the rear. Realizing that his forces were destroyed completely, the Witch-king of Angmar fled away east. Eärnur rode after him, but his horse turned and ran away. Then Glorfindel attacked, and the Witch-king fled east to escape Glorfindel's wrath, disappearing from the north.Earnur made to go after him, but it was then that Glorfindel made his prophecy saying: Follow him not! Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man will he fall.

2509 - On a trip from Rivendell to Lórien, Celebrian was waylaid by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass, she was captured and tormented and received a poisoned wound. Her sons rescued her and she was healed by Elrond, but she could no longer find joy in Middle-earth, so she passed to the Grey Havens and over Sea in the following year.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 26KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:57 PM
The Battle of the Five Armies
The Battle of Five Armies was fought between the called goblins and the Wargs against Men, Elves and Dwarves on and near the Lonely Mountain, after Bard had killed Smaug.
Before the battle, the Men of the Lake and the Wood-elves had laid siege to the Dwarves in the Lonely Mountain, when the 13 dwarves in Erebor under Thorin II Oakenshield refused to share any of the treasure they had recaptured from Smaug.

Thorin had sent messages of his plight to his relatives using talking Ravens that lived on the Lonely Mountain. These reached Dáin II Ironfoot, and he marched to Erebor with over 500 heavily armed dwarves, most skilled veterans of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. When Dáin's forces arrived, battle almost broke out between the two sides, but at the last moment Gandalf intervened and revealed that while they were bickering amongst themselves, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains and Grey Mountains under Bolg were using the opportunity to march against them. They had been incited by Gandalf's earlier slaying of the Great Goblin, but had now mobilized for a full-scale attack after hearing news of the death of the Dragon and the now relatively unguarded treasure hoard.
The three commanders(Thranduil,Bard and Dain) agreed that the Orcs were the enemies of all and previous grievances between them were put on hold in face of the greater threat. They arranged their forces on the two spurs of the Mountain that lined the valley leading to the great gate; the only entrance to the Mountain. The Dwarves and Lake-men formed up on one spur and the Elves on the other, while a light rear-guard lined across the mouth of the valley to lure the Orcs between the two, and thus destroy them. Bilbo tried to sit out the battle on the spur held by the Elves.

Soon the Orcs and Wargs arrived and there were now five armies on the field. At first the plan worked: the goblins were lured into the choke point by a thin line of men of Lake-town and took heavy losses. But because of their superior numbers, the allied Free Folk did not hold the advantage long. The second wave was even worse than the first, and now many Orcs scaled the mountain from the opposite side, and began to attack the arrayed forces from above and behind, as the main wave pressed forward. The battle raged across the Mountain, and then a great noise was heard: Thorin and his 12 Dwarf companions inside the mountain had thrown down the stone wall they had erected across the mouth of the gates, killing many Orcs. Thorin and his companions then charged out to join the battle, covered from head to toe in the finest armour and weapons contained in the treasure hoard of Erebor. Thorin advanced through the Orcs' ranks all the way up to the gigantic Orcs that formed the bodyguard of Bolg, who he could not get past. He was outflanked and surrounded, and was forced to form his troops into a great circle.

As the battle was turning fully against the Free Folk, a large force of Eagles of the Misty Mountains arrived, led by Gwaihir. Bilbo was the first to spot their entrance on the scene and began shouting that "the Eagles are coming!", a shout that was then continued among the other troops of the Free Folk. At this point Bilbo was knocked in the head by a large stone thrown by an orc from above, and he passed out. With the support of the Eagles, who cast down the goblins from the mountain itself, freeing the Free Folk to fight on just one front in the valley rather than have to divide themselves, the battle turned back against the Orcs. Then Beorn himself arrived at the battle, apparently having heard news that a large army of Orcs was on the move. This time he did not appear in his shape of a large Man, but had changed his skin to that of a huge bear. Beorn drove through the Orc lines, but paused to carry the wounded Thorin out of the battle with his paw. Beorn then returned to the battle with even greater wrath and smashed the ranks of the bodyguard of Bolg, ultimately killing Bolg himself. The Orcs eventually panicked and scattered, to be picked off by hunting forces from the victors later.
Thorin II Oakenshield had been mortally wounded on the field, and his nephews Fíli and Kíli died defending him as he lay on the ground. Thorin died soon after the battle, but before he died he made his peace with Bilbo by commending the Hobbit's bravery and good character. His last words were: "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. But, sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell."
The sword Orcrist was given back after his death and was laid upon the tomb (the Arkenstone was placed in the tomb itself) so that ever after the blade would glow blue should enemies approach and the mountain could never be taken by surprise. Thorin was succeeded as the leader of Durin's Folk and King Under the Mountain by his cousin, Dáin II Ironfoot.

After defeating the Orcs and Wargs, the victors divided the treasure. Bard took Bilbo's fourteenth share of the gold and silver in return for the Arkenstone, whereupon he shared his reward with the Master of Lake-town and gave the Elven-king Thranduil the emeralds of Girion. Bilbo, despite having forfeited his share, was offered a rich reward, but, anticipating difficulty transporting the load back home, refused to take more than two small chests of gold and silver.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 27KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:57 PM
Glorfindel during Third Age
Glorfindel sets out from Rivendell alone; he chases off the nazgul holding the bridge of Mitheithel/Hoarwell and leaves a green jewel there. He later finds Aragorn and the hobbits.He sets Frodo on his horse Asfaloth.When the nazgul attacks he bids the force to run to the fords of Bruinen.There Frodo defies his Nazgûl pursuers. He is nearly captured, but Glorfindel, Strider and the other hobbits come up from behind and drive the Black Riders into the water, where they are swept away by a wave of water resembling charging horses (an enchantment of Elrond and Gandalf's). Strider and the hobbits bear torches, but Glorfindel reveals himself as a mighty Elf-lord terrible in his wrath; Frodo sees him as a shining figure.
Council of Elrond at Rivendell. Several Elves, Dwarves and Men also arrive at Rivendell on separate errands; at the Council of Elrond they learn that all of their errands are related to the fate of the One Ring, and they must decide what to do about it.In the end it is decided that Frodo will take the ring to Mount Doom. The Fellowship of the Ring is formed and consisted of Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, Frodo and Sam.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 28KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:57 PM
The Battle of Lothlórien
The battle was fought between the Orcs of Dol Guldur and Mordor against the Galadhrim of Lothlórien.It is unknown how the Orc army crossed Anduin. Forces from Dol Guldur, reinforced with Orcs from Mordor assaulted Lothlórien three times, assisted at least once in a joint attack from the west by the Goblins of Moria. Though the battles are not described in detail by Tolkien, the woods on the borders of Lothlorien were damaged by fire, though the valour of the Elves prevented the enemy from penetrating too deeply into their forest realm. Through the power of Nenya, Galadriel was able to defeat the Orcs, who fled south towards Fangorn Forest. Treebeard and a host of Ents, having already laid ruin to Isengard some days before set out to prevent them entering Rohan. The despairing Orcs fled eastward but were either killed by the tree-shepherds or drowned in the River Anduin.The battle was one of the largest of the war...

Following the battle, Celeborn and Galadriel led the Galadhrim across the Anduin in a fleet of many small elf boats. They entered Mirkwood and attacked Dol Guldur. Galadriel threw down the walls and cleansed its pits with her power, and ended the grasp of evil in the forest. As news of the victory of King Elessar down south reached the Wood Elves, Thranduil (who had recently defeated an army in the Battle of Mirkwood) met with Celeborn on April 6.

Mirkwood was divided between Thranduil who claimed the North, the Beornings who settled in the middle, the 'Narrows' and Celeborn who added the southern half to his realm, renaming it 'Eastern Lórien.Despite these victories, the Elves was dwindling and Celeborn himself departed over the Sea during the Fourth Age.

September 29, 3021 - Elrond, Celeborn, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo depart from the Grey Havens

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 29KingElros Nov 28 2006, 19:58 PM
Fourth Age

After the War of the Ring
Legolas eventually comes to Ithilien with some of his people, with his father's leave, to live out his remaining time in Middle-earth helping restore the devastated forests of the war-ravaged land. He founds an Elf-colony in the fair forest of Ithilien in Gondor and becomes its lord.
Celeborn leaves Middle Earth and sail to Valinor
120 Fourth Age - Death of Aragorn. According to legend, on the death of Aragorn, Legolas builds a ship and sails into the west to the Undying Lands, taking Gimli with him

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 30KingElros Nov 28 2006, 20:00 PM

First Age
Before the Years of the Sun in the First Age

4550 - Eru awakens the Elves.
Melian the Maia departs for Middle-earth.
4580 - Melkor discovers and begins capturing Elves in secret.
Melkor begins breeding the Orcs from captured Elves, and the Trolls; Khazad-dûm founded by Durin the Deathless
4585 - Oromë first learns of the Elves
4586 - Oromë returns to Valinor, informs the other Valar of the dangers faced by the Elves, and then returns immediately to Cuiviénen.
4590 - The Valar march to war against Melkor on behalf of the Elves.
4592 - The Valar lay siege to Utumno.
Melian begins dwelling in Nan Elmoth and caring for the living things that have been awakened in Beleriand.
4599 - Melkor is captured and Utumno destroyed. Sauron escapes capture and remains in Angband, breeding Orcs and Trolls for Melkor.
4600 - Melkor is taken to Valinor in chains and sentenced to serve a term in the Halls of Mandos for three Ages.
4601 - The Valar decide to summon the Elves to dwell with them in Aman.
4602 - Oromë brings three ambassadors of the Elves to Aman: Ingwë of the Vanyar, Finwë of the Noldor, and Elwë of the Teleri
4604 - The three ambassadors return and work to convince the Elves to accept the summons of the Valar. They accumulate many followers.
4605 - Great Journey of the Elves: The Elves depart for Aman (not all answer the summon—see Sundering of the Elves)
4615 - The Elves reach the great river which would later be called Anduin.
A group of Teleri under Lenwë (or Dan) abandon the March at Anduin and become the Nandor
Fathers of the Dwarves and first Ents awakened by Eru; Elves discover the Ents and begin teaching them language.
4625 - The Vanyar and Noldor arrive in Beleriand.
4628 - The Teleri arrive in Beleriand after tarrying in the great forests of Eriador.
4630 - Elwë meets Melian and is entranced.
4632 - Ulmo is unwilling to wait until Elwë is found, and the Vanyar and Noldor are ferried across on the island of Tol Eressëa, while the Teleri stay behind, looking for their lord.
4633 - The Vanyar and Noldor settle in Tirion near Valimar
4640 - Ingwë and many of the Vanyar leave Tirion to dwell with Manwë in Valinor.
4642 - Yavanna gives the White Tree, Galathilion, to the Noldor.
4649 - Ulmo finally returns for the Teleri, but many stay behind because Elwë is not yet found, and become the Sindar. Another group remains behind at the request of Ossë, they become the Elves of the Falas under Círdan.
4651 - The majority of the Teleri are ferried across on Tol Eressëa, which is anchored in the bay of Eldamar. They take Elwë's brother, Olwë, as lord.
4652 - Elwë awakes from slumber and reunites with the Sindar. He becomes known as Thingol, settling in Doriath.
Finwë marries Míriel
4661 - The Teleri of Tol Eressëa learn the art of shipbuilding, and ferry across the bay of Eldamar to Aman, where they found the city of Alqualondë. Tol Eressëa is abandoned.
4665 - The last Vanyar abandon Tirion and settle in Aman proper. The Noldor remain in Tirion under their lord, Finwë.
4679 - Birth of Fëanor and death of Míriel. Rúmil invents writing.
4685 - Finwë marries Indis; Findis born sometime around here.
4690 - Fingolfin born
4700 - Lúthien born
c.4690-4730 - Irimë born
The Elves of the Falas join with the Sindar in an alliance
4730 - Finarfin born
4780 - Wedding of Finarfin and Eärwen
4850 - The Nandor, under Denethor, arrive in Beleriand, becoming known as the Laiquendi of Ossiriand.
4862 - Galadriel born
4900 - Melkor, freed from his sentence, begins corrupting some of the Noldor.
4950 - Fëanor completes the creation of the Silmarils.
4990 - Fëanor, deceived by Melkor, draws arms against his brother and is banished from Tirion: his father, Finwë, and many of the Noldor follow him in exile to Formenos.
4992 - Fëanor argues with Melkor at Formenos. Melkor hides from capture by the Valar and joins forces with Ungoliant.
4995 - Manwë tries to heal the feud of the Noldor, and summons Fëanor to a festival in Valimar. Melkor and Ungoliant destroy the Two Trees, kill Finwë and steal the Silmarils; Fëanor first names Melkor, Morgoth. Fëanor and his sons swear an oath to regain the Silmarils and the majority of the Noldor depart from Valinor; Noldor kill many Teleri and seize their ships in the First Kinslaying.
4996 - Prophecy of Mandos: the Noldor are banished from Valinor and face great doom; the Valar hide Valinor behind the Magic Isles and raise the Pelóri mountains.
4997 - Morgoth returns to Angband, and tries to take Beleriand: First Battle of Beleriand is fought; Denethor of the Laiquendi slain and the Havens of the Falas are besieged. The Noldor arrive at Helcaraxë; Fëanor and his host betray the sons of Indis and sail across, then burn the ships. Return of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Morgoth's army attacks Fëanor. Dagor-nuin-Giliath ("the Battle under Stars") is fought. Fëanor is slain by Balrogs in sight of Angband.
The Valar begin devising the Moon and Sun
5000 - The remainder of the Noldor arrives in Middle-earth; the Moon arises.

Years of the Sun in the First Age
Year 1 - The Sun first sets sail, start of reckoning by 'Years of the Sun', Awakening of Men in Hildórien.
50 - Turgon and Finrod are told by Ulmo to establish a refuge
65 - Finrod builds the tower of Barad Nimras ("White Horn Tower") on a cape of the Falas between Brithombar and Eglarest.
75 - Dagor Aglareb: the Noldor, ruled by Fingolfin, start the Siege of Angband
75–c. 200 - Morgoth is absent from Angband, after discovering Men. Persuaded by Morgoth, Men stop worshipping Eru and turn to evil, but some revolt: the Atanatári. These travel to the West in search for the Valar
About 100 - Foundation of Nargothrond: Fingon's folk depart from Hithlum.
126 - Completion of Gondolin. Turgon's people begin the migration from Nevrast in secret.
265 - Glaurung ravages Beleriand, but is driven back to Angband.
305 - Bëor leads The First House of the Edain into Beleriand: Men discovered by Finrod
345 - Return of Aredhel and Maeglin to Gondolin; later, Eöl and Aredhel die.
445 - Birth of Rodnor, son of Orodreth, later called Gil-galad
455 - Morgoth breaks the Siege of Angband in Dagor Bragollach, ("Battle of Sudden Flame"); kills Fingolfin in duel; Húrin and Huor are brought to Gondolin by Thorondor
456 - Húrin and Huor return out of Gondolin to Dor-lómin.
457 - Capture of Finrod's fortress of Minas Tirith by the forces of Sauron, its warden, Orodreth, flees for Nargothrond. Minas Tirith is renamed Tol-in-Gaurhoth, "Isle of Werewolves".
461 - Barahir and companions are killed; Beren becomes an outlaw.
462 - Beren departs for Doriath
463 - Birth of Túrin Turambar in Dor-lómin. Beren first comes upon Lúthien.
465 - Celegorm and Curufin are exiled from Nargothrond and journey to Himring.
468 - Finrod and Beren are imprisoned in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Finrod is slain by a werewolf, but Beren is rescued by Lúthien.
469 - Beren and Lúthien achieve the Quest of the Silmaril. Beren dies, and Lúthien abandons life: Lúthien pleads with Mandos and Beren and Lúthien are restored to life; Beren and Lúthien take up bodies again in Ossiriand on the isle of Tol Galen.
471 - Nirnaeth Arnoediad, "The Battle of Unnumbered Tears"; Huor is slain in the Fens of Serech, Húrin is captured by Morgoth. Birth of Tuor, son of Huor. Fingon slain
472 - Siege and capture of the Havens of the Falas: Brithombar and Eglarest.
494 - Gurthang is reforged for Túrin, who becomes known as the Black Sword of Nargothrond.
495 - Sack of Nargothrond. The coming of Tuor to Gondolin.
501 - Húrin released from captivity. Travels to Nargothrond and takes the treasure from there to Thingol.
502 - Forging of the Nauglamír and quarrel of Thingol and the Dwarves. Marriage of Tuor and Idril.
c. 502 - Deaths of Morwen and Húrin.
503 - Thingol is slain and Doriath sacked by Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod; Beren, Laiquendi, and Ents destroy the Dwarves; Melian returns to Valinor in grief; Lúthien wears the Silmaril; Birth of Eärendil in spring. Birth of Elwing. Final deaths of Beren and Lúthien; Dior receives the Silmaril in autumn.
504 - Dior travels to Doriath and restores it.
505 - Sons of Fëanor learn of Silmaril in Doriath. Maedhros restrains his brothers, but they send a demand for the Silmaril to Dior, who ignores it.
506 - Sons of Fëanor attack Doriath in Winter at Celegorm's urging.
507 - Doriath is destroyed in the Second Kinslaying; Dior and Nimloth killed; Celegorm's servants send Eluréd and Elurín to die in the forest, but Maedhros searches for them with no avail. Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir are all slain. Elwing escapes for the Mouths of Sirion with the Silmaril, and Maeglin captured by Melkor's spies.
510 - Gondolin is betrayed by Maeglin and sacked; Glorfindel slays a Balrog in the Echoriath, Ecthelion slays Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, both of them killed as well. Death of Turgon.
511 - Tuor and Idril bring Eärendil and refugees of Gondolin to the Mouths of Sirion which prospers as 'New Havens'.
512 - The remaining Sons of Fëanor learn of the New Havens and the Silmaril there, but Maedhros wishes no more bloodshed and forswears his oath.
524 - Eärendil begins his great voyages
525 - Eärendil marries Elwing. Tuor feels 'Unquiet of Ulmo' and sails into the West in the ship Eärrámë with Idril.
527 - The Sons of Fëanor are tormented by their unfulfilled oath and make plans to recover the Silmaril.
532 - Elrond and Elros are born to Eärendil and Elwing.
538 - Third Kinslaying: while Eärendil is away the remaining Sons of Fëanor attack the people of the Mouths of Sirion trying to claim the Silmaril; Amrod is slain; Elwing casts herself in the sea but is brought to Eärendil by Ulmo; Elrond and Elros are fostered by Maglor and/or Maedhros.
542 - Eärendil arrives in Valinor.
545 - The War of Wrath begins
587 - The War of Wrath ends; Morgoth is defeated; the remaining two Silmarils are stolen by Maedhros and Maglor, but are lost in the earth and in the sea; most of Beleriand is sunk; the Sea of Helcar is drained through the Great Gulf; the plateaus of Mordor, Khand, and Rhûn rise from the former seabed.
590 - Morgoth is cast into the Void; the Elves are summoned to Valinor and settle on Tol Eressëa; Galadriel refuses the summons and is still banned; a small part of the Noldor remain in Lindon; Oropher and other Sindar depart east and establish realms.

Second Age
1 - Foundation of Mithlond the Grey Havens under Círdan, and Lindon as the Noldorin Kingdom under Gil-galad
32 - Edain reach Númenor, Elros is crowned first King of Númenor
About 1050 - The shadow of Sauron falls upon Greenwood the Great, which is renamed Mirkwood. Sauron begins building Barad-dûr
1200 - Sauron deceives the Noldor in Eregion, but Gil-galad mistrusts him; the Númenóreans begin building permanent havens in Middle-earth at Lond Daer, Umbar, and other places
1350 - Celeborn and Galadriel together with their daughter Celebrían emigrate from Eregion to Lórien; Celebrimbor becomes lord of Eregion
500 - The Noldor under Celebrimbor are instructed by Sauron, beginning of the forging of the Rings of Power
1600 - Forging of the One Ring; Barad-dûr completed; Celebrimbor begins fighting Sauron
1693 - War of the Elves and Sauron begins, the Three Rings are hidden
1695 - Elrond sent to Eregion as lieutenant of Gil-galad
1697 - Eregion destroyed, Elrond establishes the refuge of Rivendell, Celebrimbor dies
1699 - Rivendell and Lindon besieged
1700 - Minastir sends a great navy to Lindon; Sauron defeated; Sauron's forces retreat from Eriador and the coasts
3255 - Ar-Pharazôn the Golden weds his first cousin Míriel, the daughter of Tar-Palantír, and seizes the throne of Númenor
3261 - Ar-Pharazôn sails to Middle-earth landing at Umbar, and takes Sauron captive
3262 - Sauron is taken as prisoner to Númenor, but begins corrupting the Númenóreans
c. 3265 - Sauron becomes Ar-Pharazôn's court advisor.
c. 3280 - Isildur steals a fruit from Nimloth. The White Tree is felled and burnt in Sauron's Temple thereafter.
c. 3300 - Sauron establishes himself as High Priest of Melkor, "Lord of the Dark"; Elendili are openly persecuted and sacrificed to Morgoth
3310 - At Sauron's instigation, Ar-Pharazôn begins building the Great Armament.
3318 - Birth of Meneldil, fourth child of Anárion and last man born in Númenor
3319 - Ar-Pharazôn sets foot on Aman; the World is Changed: Aman and Tol Eressëa are removed from Arda, Númenor is drowned, and the world is made round; Elendil and his sons arrive on the shores of Middle-earth
3320 - Founding of Gondor and Arnor by Elendil and his sons, Isildur and Anárion; Umbar as realm in exile founded by Black Númenóreans
3429 - Sauron conquers Minas Ithil and burns the White Tree; Isildur flees to Arnor while Anárion defends Osgiliath
3430 - The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed
3434 - Sauron's forces are defeated in the Battle of Dagorlad; Siege of Barad-dûr begins
3440 - Anárion is slain
3441 - Elendil and Gil-galad slay Sauron in hand to hand combat, but they themselves perish; Sauron's physical form is destroyed. Isildur takes the shards of his father's sword Narsil and cuts the One Ring from Sauron's finger. In the aftermath of the War, many Elves of Gil-galad's following depart to Valinor: end of the Noldorin realms in Middle-earth.

Third Age
109 - Elrond weds Celebrían, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel
130 - Elrohir and Elladan are born
241 - Arwen Undómiel is born
About 1000- The Wizards (and presumably Glorfindel) come to Middle-earth
1981 -Amroth and Nimrodel die, Celeborn and Galadriel now rules Lorien
1975 - Gondor destroys Angmar in the Battle of Fornost, death of Arvedui
2509 - Celebrían is waylaid by Orcs, receives a poisoned wound, and consequentially departs Middle-earth
2941 - Esgaroth is attacked by the dragon Smaug, who is consequentially killed by Bard the Bowman; Battle of Five Armies
2951 - Estel, later known as Aragorn, comes of age and is told about his heritage. He meets Arwen who just returned to Rivendell after visiting her mothers kin in Lothlorien
2980 - Arwen pledges her hand in marriage to Aragorn in Lothlorien
3009 - Aragorn captures Gollum at Gandalf's request, and brings him as a captive to King Thranduil's halls in Mirkwood
3019, March 11-22 - The Battle of Lothlórien and destruction of Dol Guldur
September 29, 3021 - Elrond,Celeborn, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo depart from the Grey Havens

Fourth Age
120 - Departure of Legolas and Gimli.
Death of King Aragorn II Elessar of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son Eldarion.
121 - Death of Arwen Evenstar in Lórien.
172 - A copy of the Red Book of Westmarch is completed in Gondor by Findegil.

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 31KingElros Nov 28 2006, 20:00 PM
Maps of Middle-Earth

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This post has been edited by Noldor Warrior KingElros: Nov 28 2006, 20:02 PM

Posts: 7,389

Clan: Gwaith-i-Nolendili

Game: Battle for Middle Earth


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