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# 61Adamskidrummer Oct 21 2009, 16:46 PM
QUOTE(Mr.Shankly @ Oct 20 2009, 19:04 PM) *

you can play RTS casually too sad.gif anyway hf
and HI ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!


You cannot play an RTS casually without first learning the dynamics, BO's and different factions otherwise you get completely owned whereas I can play FPS's straight off the batt and muddle through pretty well tbh smile.gif Simples

Posts: 1,461

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

# 62Daemon Oct 21 2009, 18:41 PM
QUOTE(Adamskidrummer @ Oct 21 2009, 16:46 PM) *


You cannot play an RTS casually without first learning the dynamics, BO's and different factions otherwise you get completely owned whereas I can play FPS's straight off the batt and muddle through pretty well tbh smile.gif Simples


When I first go online with any game, FPS or RTS then I tend to get smashed and it's not really much to do with BO or dynamics. It's is always to do with teh tips and tricks that give people and obvious advantage that you need to see other human players take advantage of. In FPS games it tends to be the best positions to snipe from or attack with least risk of reprisal and in RTS it tends to be some game dynamic that wasn't originally intended like the lair hobbit trick in BFME.

Against any experience online human in a game you haven't played online before you will always get a good kicking until you catch on to the tricks of the game.

Posts: 10,519

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 63RamRaider Oct 22 2009, 14:40 PM
I agree with Adam.

FPSs are mostly about micro skill rather than strategy. If you're good at one FPS, you'll be be good at all of them and you could jump into any game even first time and get a decent score as Guard showed. Ok maybe some more tactical shooters you need to learn the positions etc like Ghost Recon or the TF2 strategies with each class, but you'd still get a decent score. If you went on a RTS like Starcraft without looking up the best strategies, build orders and even the little bugs or quirks you are going to get owned.

Posts: 3,650

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Team Fortress 2

# 64Daemon Oct 22 2009, 17:34 PM
QUOTE(RamRaider @ Oct 22 2009, 14:40 PM) *

I agree with Adam.

FPSs are mostly about micro skill rather than strategy. If you're good at one FPS, you'll be be good at all of them and you could jump into any game even first time and get a decent score as Guard showed. Ok maybe some more tactical shooters you need to learn the positions etc like Ghost Recon or the TF2 strategies with each class, but you'd still get a decent score. If you went on a RTS like Starcraft without looking up the best strategies, build orders and even the little bugs or quirks you are going to get owned.

Most modern RTS games also have a ranking system to avoid the noob bash concept so that people with no idea og BO's tend to play each other to even things up which still leads to a decent conflict for even beginners. If you play most modern FPS games then you will find yourself in the first online game you ever play up against people who have played it for weeks or months and who know all the tricks. When you land in a FPS for the first time you get massacred in a way you don't normally experience when you play an RTS for the first time online. This is not withstanding the issue that some players may deliberately start a new account to noob bash which, I accept, does happen.

Posts: 10,519

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 65Adamskidrummer Oct 22 2009, 19:54 PM
QUOTE(Daemon @ Oct 22 2009, 18:34 PM) *

Most modern RTS games also have a ranking system to avoid the noob bash concept so that people with no idea og BO's tend to play each other to even things up which still leads to a decent conflict for even beginners. If you play most modern FPS games then you will find yourself in the first online game you ever play up against people who have played it for weeks or months and who know all the tricks. When you land in a FPS for the first time you get massacred in a way you don't normally experience when you play an RTS for the first time online. This is not withstanding the issue that some players may deliberately start a new account to noob bash which, I accept, does happen.

Games like left for dead have the same, noobs end up playing with noobs. People with higher scores play with people of higher scores...

If you play RTS's without knowing BO's etc etc you will fall flat on your face good micro or not - no excpetions. If you play an FPS with some FPS experience you WILL do fine! I am rubbish at shooters and still hold my own in these games because I play tactically well even if I cannot aim for shit. However, I play shit at RTS's that I dont know BO's for whether I am a good tactitian or not.

Posts: 1,461

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

# 66lelderlAp0C Oct 23 2009, 00:10 AM
I really have to agree with the fact that RTS have a steeper learner curve. There are so many more things you must learn.

Posts: 8,452

Game: Supreme Commander 2

# 67Daemon Oct 24 2009, 16:02 PM
QUOTE(Adamskidrummer @ Oct 22 2009, 19:54 PM) *

Games like left for dead have the same, noobs end up playing with noobs. People with higher scores play with people of higher scores...

If you play RTS's without knowing BO's etc etc you will fall flat on your face good micro or not - no excpetions. If you play an FPS with some FPS experience you WILL do fine! I am rubbish at shooters and still hold my own in these games because I play tactically well even if I cannot aim for shit. However, I play shit at RTS's that I dont know BO's for whether I am a good tactitian or not.

You seem to be basing your extrapolation on your own personal experience of doing well in FPS when you start but not doing so well in RTS when you first start. Extrapolating personal experience to generalise to everyone is dangerous because my experience, for instance, is exactly the opposite. I find both RTS and FPS equally easy but tend to get tanked more regularly at FPS now than RTS when I first start online.

Part of the issue could be that during single player games you are playing against AI which essentially has the same goal as a human player in online multiplayer. FPS multiplayer doesn't tend to be just the same as the single player missions (build base, attack and overcome) and I think there is a greater difference between single and multiplayer game concepts for FPS and RTS games to make the comparison meaningful.

Posts: 10,519

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 68lelderlAp0C Oct 24 2009, 22:23 PM
I find both RTS and FPS equally easy but tend to get tanked more regularly at FPS now than RTS when I first start online.

It all comes down to what you are good at I guess.

FPS requires reflexes and good perception, especially ocular. It also requires you to out think opponents in a 3 dimensional space.

I very often own people, just because I trick them to playing into a trap of faking one direction, or double faking around a corner, etc.

These skills more easily transfer across FPS.

RTS games have far more game specific rules that must be learned, FPS have many more cross game skills that can carry over.

That is why we believe new fps are easier to pick up as opposed to new RTS.

It sounds to me like you are just learning online FPS in general. Once you do get better, your skills will transfer over.

Posts: 8,452

Game: Supreme Commander 2

# 69Adamskidrummer Oct 25 2009, 15:23 PM
I just went to my GF's friend's engagement party. Her bf and most of his mates are on a game design course - get this he was ranting about how great CoD4 and Fifa are and that he spends all his time on that. He has F3 and Elder IV sat on the shelf gathering dust. I started to pull at the threads but my GF ordered me to "be nice" which translates to lie or be quiet biggrin.gif

Posts: 1,461

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

# 70lelderlAp0C Oct 25 2009, 21:43 PM
He has F3 and Elder IV sat on the shelf gathering dust. I started to pull at the threads but my GF ordered me to "be nice" which translates to lie or be quiet biggrin.gif

I have a friend at work who swears by COD4 on PS3. It is so nice to have a flesh and blood person to tear into on a regular basis. Sometimes I just let him have hit, and he rarely has any rebuttal.

Thanks goodness he is a gentle giant, because at 240 pounds he could hammer me into the ground like a garden spike.

Posts: 8,452

Game: Supreme Commander 2

# 71Adamskidrummer Oct 25 2009, 21:55 PM
QUOTE(|elder|Ap0C @ Oct 25 2009, 22:43 PM) *

I have a friend at work who swears by COD4 on PS3. It is so nice to have a flesh and blood person to tear into on a regular basis. Sometimes I just let him have hit, and he rarely has any rebuttal.

Thanks goodness he is a gentle giant, because at 240 pounds he could hammer me into the ground like a garden spike.

This guy was a skinny, obnoxious gimp but I cannot be making enemies in my gf's good friends! biggrin.gif

Posts: 1,461

Clan: Marvel Super Heroes

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06


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