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Battle For Middle Earth II Patch 1.09 Is Now Live

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# 1Val` Mar 23 2017, 14:02 PM
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Hi All, Patch 1.09 is finally here for download. It's been a long, long road, and I would first like to thank everyone who invested time into this monster sized patch. Almost 3 years of work, thousands of hours of work on both balance, cosmetics, and sounds, this is truly the biggest ever patch published in the BFME Franchise. I would like to extend thanks to Echelon for being my right hand man, and Rider of Rohan for helping a lot with art, and work on the switcher. Thanks to all in the beta team for their input and fine tuning of balance, notable mentions are included in the patch credits. Also a big thanks to Paramatha for coding the switcher for us. I have included some preview content below, the best way to preview though of course is to play the patch! There are hundreds of new Special FX, hundreds of new sounds, and new models. We also refined maps a lot and deleted the Tower Wars ones as they are mostly balanced for 1.06. We have a good map pool of quality over quantity which was not the case in 1.08. You can also checkout Val's youtube channel for many preview videos of patch content.

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New Patch Switcher

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11 Years Of Competitive Balancing

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BFMEII Patch 1.09 is the biggest patch ever developed in the BFME Franchise, it is larger than all prior patches combined, including the official patches that GR developed for EA(1.05/6) and Battletest Patches. 1.09 is 3 years worth of beta testing, it fine tunes all uneven matchups from 1.08 and so much more. We hope that our work here makes for a fair, enjoyable experience for both casuals and competitive players alike.

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New Maps & Reskin's

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The 1.09 map pool is smaller than 1.08, but better quality maps, that also includes reskins of the most popular maps like Udun II and Fords of Isen II, previewed below.

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New Special Effect's

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Patch 1.09 comes with hundreds of new visual special effects, almost every power in the game has had an improvement, here are a few of them:

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New Builder's & Models

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All builder's now have a new, unique model so that faction differentiation is easily identifiable. There are also many other new model's included, mostly for High and Ultra setting's.

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Random and Upgrade Textures

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Many of our favorite models now also come with appearance variations, such as Eagle's, Mountain Giant's, Drakes, Knights, Dragons and more. Certain units like Mumakil also get new textures as they progressively gain rank.

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New Sound's

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Patch 1.09 includes over two hundred new sounds, every building has new variations as well as new unit sounds for deeper game immersement.

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New Wall System

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Mordor can now build walls and the radius that you can build from fortress has been increased. Also, purchasing Fortress Armor now correctly upgrades all wall's that the player owns.

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Visual's for Leadership and Buff's

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Ever get frustrated that spells like Farsight and Palantir show no visible horde FX? Not anymore! Patch 1.09 also introduces all new buff-nugget FX for existing spells such as heal, devastation, poison, and more.

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Summary of changes

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The Full changelog for Patch 1.09 is so overextended that it is impossible to keep it readable from this post. So Ecthelion have written a summary of a bunch of basic changes developed this last years of development.

1.09: Summary of bugfixes and gameplay changes[/center]

*Balanced summoned hobbits. No longer so useful through unintentional bugs.
*Fire arrows no longer insanely effective against structures. Damage now, by percentage, improved against specific units. (Read Log; Fire Arrow System)
*Reduced or removed the damage from units in the ground against Flyers, including Bats/Crebain. (Mostly fire breaths, watcher summoning damage etc)
*Ring heros now have new spells but nerfed thru autoheals points / health points.
*Machines weaker to pikes, orc/uruk damage and other siege damage, weaker to fire breaths.
*Archers in deffensive stance lose less speed. Archers bombarding now have splash damage, hence chances to hurt something are greatly higher.
*Fortrss expansions stronger to ranged units
*Fortress damage bonus against cavalry reduced, but now elf fortress now also have this bonus.
*Suited the relation between flyers and ships.
*Neutral buildings retouched, now can be destroyed faster. Outposts money income reduced. Signal fire now is a invulnerable structure and grant a bigass shroud reveal range. (read the interesting reason for it's invulnerability at bottom of Log)
*Changed the zoom of all maps, from 560 to 450. Originally 300. This helps lags in bigger battles and also, players who don't play widescreen are less bothered. Improved variuos bfme1 and even bfme2 maps. Added CONDITIONAL lairs for UDUN II. Enabling ring heros will now spawn warg lairs in the map, players can know this by checking if rocks have spawned in lair spawn points.
*Revised campaign, balanced around and fixed stuff that nor even EA fixed. (spellbooks trees)
*Fixed the poorly written experience levels of post level 5 units from 1.08. Increased the experience awards by heros. (numbers at bottom of Log)
*Improved excessively a lot of tooltips for at least 6 languages! Fixed errors, some tooltips now mention numbers and slightly explain the stack system of leaderships/debuffs. Fixed few useless hotkeys like guardian charge and added hotkeys for hobbit summon abilities and rock switch!!
*Ensured train archers/train allies work on allied players. Experience granted and cooldown of the abilities improved.
*All defensive expansions from fortress are now cheaper and improved/nerfed when necesary. Read Log.
*Builders noticeably strongers
*Fixed variuos weapons that allowed some heros and archers gain twice the damage they were meant to. (Read silverthorns/Mod Fire arrows, Sharku, Drogoth fireball).
*Suited flyers, improved the way factions counter them. Fixed many glitches that allowed them to one-hit stuffs like battlewagons, wildmen, hobbits or simply deal damage when they are not supposed to, for example against structures.
*Fixed varios placebo changes from 1.07 like gimli axe thrown cooldown.
*Fixed variuos visual bugs or lack of animations. (battlewagons, sam, ballistas)
*Fixed variuos units still being glitcheables thru the famous attack-exploit, like Wyrm, Glorfindel, Barrow wrights.
*Fixed dwarven mine at level 3 producing less money than other resource buildings.
*Fixed lifetime errors, like Sam, 4th Horde of summoned dunedains, Fixed revived Hobbits or Men of Dale not being faded out when lifetime expires.
*All artillery is now way better, levels ups, bombard abilities have proper anti-wall weapons. Structural artillery cheaper and aswell added anti-wall weapons. Increased the shroud reveal radius of all artillery but ents, pretty much fixed the glitch that causes them to approach too much to the target making no use of it's long ranged purpose.
*Fixed fire stones (dwarf catas/trebuchets) having zero advantage any advantage against enemy walls.
*Fixed Warg Of The Ring not starting and Worldbuilder crashing.
*Suited the filter of many spells like Mouth of sauron Debuff, which was affecting stuff like Balrogs.
*Improved the behavior of trolls.
*Fixed Outer Wall Hub system (builder-built wall system). Now Wall Hub upgrade (from wall segments) can no longer build outside the range of the main Outer Wall Hub (builder-built). If the main Wall Hub is destroyed, player has to build one again.
*Cloudbreak is now a good thing. Revives units, heals stuff, stuns units in all levels and and no longer lose it's stun effect by other kind of fear (like fear to be trampled)
*Fixed stuff like Oil casks or Gorgoroth Spire being available before the build-up animation completes. (There are variuos mentions to this kind of animation fix in Log)
*Fixed all fire breath weapons hit-and-run glitches. Balrog breath, Drogoth Incinerate. etc.

1.09: Summary of specific match ups worked out:


Dwarves vs Mordor.
*Balance remains similar to 1.08 but playability is better. Guardians in late-game no longer so useless, Black arrows better, Mountain trolls better. A early made mumakil no longer decides a game so easily. Orcs weapons retouched. Men of dale even way more accesible and play a good role.
Dwarves vs Goblins.
*Goblin archer slightly damage nerfed but poison arrows improved, drogoth stronger to axe throwers, spiderlings stronger to guardians. Goblins slightly weaker to mines.Cave trolls better. Men of dale even way more accesible and play a good role.

Men vs Mordor.
*Aragorn-Boromir-Faramir combo no longer so effective against mordor. Eowyn and Eomer plays a better role. Soldiers spam no longer so effective. Rangers slightly accesibler.

Dwarves vs Elves.
*Legolas/Thranduil spells no longer so effective against battlewagons. Wagons better experience levels. Warrior penaltied vs dwarf mines. Axe thrower nerfed to mithlond pikes. Undermine now deals damage per area and it would only one-hit archers in the very center. Eagles no longer one hit clumped wagons but deal more damage when it's hit by hit.
Dwarves vs Isengard.

*Lurtz carnage, berserkers radius of damage reduced against dwarven infantry. Saruman blast weaker scalared down against dwarven infantry. Guardian stronger to Uruk Hais. Uruk Hai weaker to mines and general builders.
Dwarves vs Men.

*Axe throwers less effective against gondor archers. Gondor archers more effective against dwarven infantry.
Elves vs Goblins.

*Spiderlings way more effective, Lorien warriors a lot stronger but damage reduced aswell. Rivendel lancers way stronger, fundamental in this MU, within Arwen.
Elves vs Mordor.

*Blackrider spam overpoweredness reduced. No longer share experience between themselves nor gain insane crush damage statics after level 5. Mordor Archers weaker to arrows, and less damage against elf infantry. RIvendell lancer stronger to Nazguls and damage bonus against Slaugher Houses added. Summoned barricades with fire no longer counter summoned ents in two seconds.

Isengard vs Mordor.
*Grima can now convert WK (But can not mount it). Isengard pikemen no longer so effective against attack trolls, crossbow stronger; effectiver against flyers and orc spam. Flyers damage bonuses against structures no longer affects Furnaces. Corsairs damage vs furnaces reduced considerably.

Isengard vs Goblins.
*Crossbow faster but damage weaker, hence effectiver against goblins. Damage scalared down against cave trolls. Drogoth damage bonuses against heros and structures no longer affect Isen heros and furnaces. Berserkers, uruks stronger to poison. Goblins weakened against furnaces. Marauders no longer one-hit wargs. Warg howl no longer penalties wargs against everything.

Elves vs Isengard.
*Golden arrow no longer deals insane damage against Saruman. Berserkers no longer are a terrible option.

The changelog for Patch 1.09 is also included in the installation.

Attached File Main_Changelog.txt
Size: 131.08k
Number of downloads: 3534
[Updated, way easier to read]

This post has been edited by Val`: Jan 23 2021, 12:44 PM

Posts: 13,213

Clan: Unr3al

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 2Excelsior Mar 23 2017, 14:13 PM
Yes please. smile.gif

Posts: 14,010

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Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 3Fitton Mar 23 2017, 14:19 PM
Here we go!

Posts: 5,929

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 4YodA` Mar 23 2017, 14:20 PM

Posts: 675

Clan: The Last Knights of Middle-Earth

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 5THE GLUTEMASTER Mar 23 2017, 14:24 PM
Awesome! Thank you!

Posts: 150

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 6DeeZ Daryl Mar 23 2017, 14:30 PM
Great work right there

Posts: 536

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 7Apmn Mar 23 2017, 14:37 PM
fantastic work

Posts: 1,511

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 8Andy San Mar 23 2017, 14:38 PM

Posts: 3,576

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 9Aragorn` Mar 23 2017, 14:59 PM
Just wondering if Echelon actually did that dirty job while val was making the patch banana.gif banana.gif

Posts: 11

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 10Mako Mar 23 2017, 14:59 PM
All your work is ours yet!

2.02 Staff Team.

Posts: 4,937

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 11Andy San Mar 23 2017, 15:01 PM
QUOTE(Mako @ Mar 23 2017, 14:59 PM) *

All your work is yet ours!

2.02 Staff Team.


Posts: 3,576

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 12 Elendil Mar 23 2017, 15:17 PM
great!!! thank you guys

Posts: 828

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 13k3anU Mar 23 2017, 15:23 PM
awesome work val, but one question what will happen to all the replays and stuff or .08?

Posts: 1,134

Game: Battle for Middle Earth

# 14Plokite_Wolf Mar 23 2017, 15:25 PM
You'll still need to install the old switcher to enable 1.08. 1.09 can't be made compatible with them, sadly.

A nice patch, I hope to see more people migrate to it online.

Posts: 5,416

Game: Kanes Wrath

# 15Mr.SmOKing Mar 23 2017, 16:16 PM
Good job

This post has been edited by Mr.SmOKing: Mar 23 2017, 16:41 PM

Posts: 911


Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 16ArCh4Ng3L Mar 23 2017, 16:57 PM
S-p-l-e-n-d-i-d w00t.gif thumb.gif

Posts: 3,039

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 17Mako Mar 23 2017, 17:29 PM
Even if BfmeHD + 1.09 seems has some aesthetic incompatibility

(look powers of elrond)

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Posts: 4,937

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 18-Netput Mar 23 2017, 18:05 PM
Awesome job guys! Very, very well done bowdown.gif

Posts: 23,928

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# 19TheDestroyer001 Mar 23 2017, 18:17 PM
My body is ready.

Posts: 1,601

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 20Xelenos Mar 23 2017, 18:42 PM
Thanks alot val for your work and too all the team for making this happen, for those who want it there is a community group for all bfme player, you are welcomed to join us on: https://discord.gg/HfA5cvA

Posts: 437

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2


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