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Company of Heroes

Siddy vs. Inverse

#1Siddy  Dec 17 2009, 21:51 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
Another friendly game I played lately vs Inverse on Langres. Classical game T2 Terror from Wehr vs. early BAR's with Infantry Company support and fast Tank Depot from the US players side. I think it was an interesting and entertaining game so have fun watching. smile.gif
#2Inverse  Dec 17 2009, 22:01 PM -
GG, was a fun one. Needed quicker AT guns, less-failing sniper micro, and a few better flanks.
#3Enkidu  Dec 19 2009, 10:55 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
This was a really fun match! Very nice cautious but not passive micro from both sides. Probs and pushes with tons of action. This type of game puts a little more strategy back into what has largely become a spam fest.

Good job guys, my favorite replay in the last few weeks.
#4Siddy  Dec 19 2009, 13:05 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
ye games like this make me remember good old times and that CoH can be a lot of fun to play smile.gif
#5wehreasymode  Dec 19 2009, 17:17 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
The only "fun" and unusual thing in this replay was the Panther. Everything else was just boring camping with 3 mgs and medbunker, pak, and of course, early vet for grens and a KT.
#6Siddy  Dec 19 2009, 17:37 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
ye blame my OP abuse of Vet 1 inf ^^ why is T2 always campy? I didn't play campy at all lol.

EDIT: Oh sorry I didn't see your name US fanboy lol.
This post has been edited by IpwnGirlsfromright: Dec 19 2009, 17:38 PM
#7Inverse  Dec 19 2009, 17:52 PM -
I didn't find anything wrong with Siddy's play. His 3-MG start weakened his offensive T1 power and I didn't counter properly (getting BARs instead of a faster WSC). He didn't camp around the medbunker, didn't grenspam, and didn't get vet2 infantry until 27 minutes in when the game was practically over already.

Complaining about Paks and the KT is pointless as well, since Paks are Wehr's primary source of AT and the KT did absolutely nothing this match.

It was the most fun I've had playing CoH in a long time, and that's saying a lot for a game that's devolved primarily into spam-vs-spam.
This post has been edited by Inverse: Dec 19 2009, 17:54 PM
#8rgrrrr  Dec 19 2009, 20:23 PM -
The only "fun" and unusual thing in this replay was the Panther. Everything else was just boring camping with 3 mgs and medbunker, pak, and of course, early vet for grens and a KT.

get lvl20 with wehr now. no excuse.
#9ReplayReview  Dec 19 2009, 23:09 PM -
Replays: 7
The only "fun" and unusual thing in this replay was the Panther. Everything else was just boring camping with 3 mgs and medbunker, pak, and of course, early vet for grens and a KT.

dude how the fuck is that campy? Are MGs and paks supposed to fire on the move?

He moved his MGs a lot, microed them around, that's not camping.

Nice play from both sides, good job keeping the shermans alive and harassing capping volks.

This gave had nothing gay in it, it was pure skill and tactic. GG guys.
#10Siddy  Dec 19 2009, 23:59 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
thx for positive responses smile.gif
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