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Company of Heroes

Wehr.L.Brit Langres Early Losses

#1Arctic Bear  Jan 3 2010, 12:32 PM -
Replays: 31 Game:
Ok so my USA road to level 10 replay blog finished early so I will try the road to level 10 with Wehrmacht. I find Wehrmacht to be much harder to play than USA so while as expected the USA blog was almost all wins, this blog may be mostly losses.

Game 1: Early MG losses on Langres

Things started out poorly when I built 2 Volks and an MG and he brought his first 3 units to my cut-off and I sent my first 3 units to defend it. I shot him as much as I could but he just kept coming and killing units. He devastated my forces and stole my MG. Time to be sad. I really fail at understanding game mechanics when playing against British infantry and it is something I need to improve on. I thought on multiple occasions that the Bren or the infantry squads would not be able to withstand such concentrated firepower but he knew the game much better than me and kept his squads shooting until it was my forces that were dying.

More of the same continued and he assaulted my front door repeatedly and wiped out my forces repeatedly and stole another MG. I got some lucky mortar shots in and fought my way back onto the field with a med bunker but I couldn't keep up with his medics and I never really got back into the game. So, really I turned a 10 minute loss into a 40 minute loss... kind of masochistic really. Much later I build some Ostwinds but I never really had time to repair it because the game was always almost ending. So, he built PIAT squads and wore it down to dust. He had more infantry squads than he knew what to do with I think.
#2Arctic Bear  Jan 3 2010, 12:33 PM -
Replays: 31 Game:
I think assault nades would be something to consider when facing lots of British infantry next time.
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