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Company of Heroes

Nateums V InsaneM [luf vs inf]

#1nateums  Mar 24 2010, 05:22 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
testing out a new domination type of strategy to choke the ameri early on...
notice the capping domination of 2 ket(works only in larger maps), and also the power of SC doing early push and damg (1st fight is a sc and pg vs rifle= retreat)

the rest is for you to watch......
#2Eupolemos  Mar 24 2010, 08:27 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Okay nice game, however strongly influenced by lacking US AT-guns.

Here's some advice for your B.O.

You need to optimize the starting build - SCs takes forever to build and you floated lots of early MP; subsidize with earlier PGs. And don't upgrade your SC before you need it wink.gif

Get T2 for heavens sake. Give your PGs fieldcraft or whatever it's called so you can use them for capping instead of your, what, 6 Kettens? T2 also has the added bonus of the advanced repair upgrade.

Check out this replay for some solid starting T1 ideas.
This post has been edited by Eupolemos: Mar 24 2010, 09:02 AM
#3nateums  Mar 24 2010, 18:55 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
very true i could incorporate those ideas with t1 t2 with a Tank hunter strat... i really like that
will try for sure
#4nateums  Mar 24 2010, 18:56 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
very true i could incorporate those ideas with t1 t2 with a Tank hunter strat... i really like that
will try for sure
#5MIGHTYRUFFIANS  Apr 6 2010, 06:55 AM -
Replays: 1
Yeah of course good ideas but the point was your 2 kitten strat. I suppose, can not say that i am sold on the idea. I was expecting the flak and 88's earlier. The amer-player did not make one vehicle after the jeep! WTF!? Your kittens going to have a harder time with armored vehicles rolling around.

"Ruffians Out"
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