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Company of Heroes

non-stop action vs dbl 1 sec arty blob

#21Vio88mm  Apr 24 2010, 11:24 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
my comp almost crashed lol cuz of the brit blob...nice StuH btw ! wub !
#22riggsman  Apr 27 2010, 21:01 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Nice come back from scratch. But I didn't get why Med bunkers were so late after loosing 100 troops and while two Stuhs & Tiger on the field no Rep Bunker? Except these liked thr survival mode of Wm/Pe guys. Wubbed.
#23AUSOwnage  May 10 2010, 03:23 AM -
Replays: 23 Game:
I loved the use of assault nades, I never would have thought they'd be capable of stopping a brit blob, good job.

Otherwise fairly uninteresting game, let me summarize:
Britplayer1: Inf blob
brit player 2: inf blob
pe player : pg blob
wm player: gren blob

Is this what CoH 2v2 has become? sad.gif
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