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Company of Heroes

Beaux Runaround

#1Sir Recon  May 18 2010, 15:10 PM -
Replays: 28 Game:
Typical US rifle spam on BEUX, hard to stop them from taking all the points, until the equalizer arrives
#2SuchIsLife  May 19 2010, 00:17 AM -
Replays: 108 Game:
Seriously, the guy was a Noob. He lost 4 Rifle Squads just from letting them get in range of your base flaks. Then he chose infantry Doc and got OMA when he should of got Rangers that would of raped you PIV with no side skirts.
#3Sir Recon  May 19 2010, 00:56 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
Funny you mention that, my PZ4 w/0 sideskirts did better against the arty, than the one that had it, lol. I always prioritize side skirts, just couldn't wait had to act, and OH by the way...My PZ4's always rape rangers, too easy!
This post has been edited by Sir Recon: Jun 7 2010, 19:14 PM
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