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Company of Heroes

Rizky vs. justaboy

#21Rizky  Jun 11 2010, 17:23 PM -

well, all i want to say is i love your old stg t1-t3 wehr. replays Rizky
and so do the pe replays this time biggrin.gif

keep on that good playstyle/ -ing
of the old StG Clan you keep it alive thx 2 you <3^^

Best Regards
SkilledByNature =DD

(depends not on this replay haven't watched it yet but i will do!)

I used to play T1-T4 more actually.
#22Robienator  Jun 13 2010, 20:30 PM -
Replays: 99 Game:
omg, OP PE Henschel abuser, wubbed, why didn't ami build wsc and that would be over in 15 mins?

There are better questions than that, like why did he get grenades first? (which turned out to work because I couldn't dodge them with delay =P)

Against PE, TomiToma always goes grenades first. DevM the same as well.
#23Rizky  Jun 16 2010, 15:42 PM -
omg, OP PE Henschel abuser, wubbed, why didn't ami build wsc and that would be over in 15 mins?

There are better questions than that, like why did he get grenades first? (which turned out to work because I couldn't dodge them with delay =P)

Against PE, TomiToma always goes grenades first. DevM the same as well.

Doesn't still sound like a worthy investment.
#24sidx  Jun 20 2010, 12:08 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
its one of those where u are one step from leaving coh forever cuz of frustration smile.gif.

#25cska1908  Jun 25 2010, 20:43 PM -
Replays: 1
what a game. Any other end would be so unfair. US was a strafe laming whore, and deserved to lose. WHat an abuser. There should be abuser list and people like him should be on it so u can avoid them.
#26mister riz  Jul 3 2010, 18:25 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Very entertaining game biggrin.gif Couldn't believe it at the end, the US player had a loooong time where he delayed getting the left VP when his rifles were stood next to it... would've won it without that mistake!
#27SpectreFTL  Jul 3 2010, 21:21 PM -
That was a great game. As far as I'm concerned, PE/Ami balance is near perfect, and this replay shows just how fun it can be. The epic battle in the middle with the church FHQ got my wub; I even had some BoB music going at the time. Good game.
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