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Company of Heroes

VPs down to 1:1! Sprint for life!

#11espressojim  Jun 21 2010, 01:54 AM -
When you're playing americans in a drawn out fight and you're floating 1400 MP and at popcap, consider building:

OP's on munitions (you were always low on munis)
MG nests and mines
#12espressojim  Jun 21 2010, 01:56 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Get this game into the HOF!

Just awesome.

It might have been dramatic, but it was low level play. TONS of mistakes by both sides, it would never qualify for HOF. I stopped watching about 45 minutes in - even at 4x, it was pretty painful.
This post has been edited by espressojim: Jun 21 2010, 01:57 AM
#13DemocraticSausage  Jun 21 2010, 03:05 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
Get this game into the HOF!

Just awesome.

It might have been dramatic, but it was low level play. TONS of mistakes by both sides, it would never qualify for HOF. I stopped watching about 45 minutes in - even at 4x, it was pretty painful.

Oh I know it wasnt anything mind blowingly exceptional gameplay wise - primarily the Ami floating which I didnt see since I watched from PE side, but to me the ending was memorably exciting and that makes it worthy of the HOF.
This post has been edited by Frontinus: Jun 21 2010, 16:58 PM
#14crazychris  Jun 21 2010, 03:33 AM -
Replays: 76 Game:
long and full of action

oh fuck yeh...oooOOOOOooOOO
This post has been edited by crazychris: Jun 21 2010, 03:35 AM
#15Korrumpierung  Jun 21 2010, 07:49 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Hall of Fame worthy, seriously. I MEAN IT!
#16Kat  Jun 21 2010, 09:01 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Get this game into the HOF!

Just awesome.

It might have been dramatic, but it was low level play. TONS of mistakes by both sides, it would never qualify for HOF. I stopped watching about 45 minutes in - even at 4x, it was pretty painful.

Well, I disagree. As I stated in first post, it wasn't the highest level play (neither my personal best play), but opinion that it was "low" level game is just unfair, what's more - not supported by any arguments. I haven't watched the replay from US side but as far as my play goes - I did pretty well spending resources all the time first half the game, getting panthers just on time, buying every possible upgrade when on popcap, microing my stuff like hell, putting SC on high munis to also prevent VP from capping etc. Surely, I did mistakes like risking too much with first PIV, losing two kettens too fast, not proper micro with vet3 panther in the end. With second double panthers I just ran into his freshly called OMCG with ATs and M10, it was really suprising. This GT guy lost his few tanks trying to finish off my panthers but I think he calculated and accepted the risk. As many of you probably are, I'm always quite exhausted in the end of 40-50 minute game, but this one was twice (!) long. So keeping focused all game long, with so much carnage, was realy hard, as you would imagine. If you saw those "TONS" of mistakes that wasn't justified by my opponents play or by long game lenght - please elaborate. As to make things clear I'm bout lvl 13-14 with PE, the GT guy was lvl 12 with US.

@ Korrumpierung - thx for the comment, but to help this you also need to wub it personally wink.gif
This post has been edited by Kat: Jun 21 2010, 12:54 PM
#17HerrWarsteiner  Jun 21 2010, 09:38 AM -
Replays: 1
Epic stuff... Wubbed!
#18Sykotik  Jun 21 2010, 12:16 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:

As a PE fan, I loved that Panther, with a Marder in the nick of time. Nice tank battles, epic infantry, accurate arty, the lot!

I really enjoyed sitting through your entertaining game. Well played, both of you. smile.gif

This post has been edited by Sykotik: Jun 21 2010, 12:36 PM
#19Motto  Jun 21 2010, 15:32 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Easily best game of COH ever, absolutely sensational.

Any wanker who says that was low level play has the intelligence of a dog.

Mistakes were made but average them out over 1 hour and 40 minutes, it was actually a fantastic game from both players.

Seriously, if this game doesn't make hall of Fame, then COH and COH on GR is officially dead. This demo showcases COH better than any other demo ever, it's that good.

Good use of sherman smoke, vet 3 engineers, panther with almost double digit tank kills, vet 3 everywhere you could poke a stick and the PE charge that will go down as the best use of sprint ever!

This needs to be shoutcasted by the best and then put on the front page of COH.
#20r0y  Jun 21 2010, 16:33 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Wow, just wow. Best game i've seen in a long time smile.gif That Panther definately deserved a knights-cross. The PE play seemed really good to me, didn't see "tons" of mistakes at all. Especially because it was such a long game, not every mistake can be avoided wink.gif
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