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Company of Heroes

RUKAclGround vs NetT4 (#20 16lvl) - w/o mb

#1RUKAclGround  Jul 16 2010, 09:34 AM -
Replays: 86 Game:
very intense 40 min game, with intresting strats. Defense without medic bunkers against rty spam. Also u can see few nice sniper battles.
#2Decepticus  Jul 17 2010, 14:00 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I watched it from the WM perspective, so I don't know if the US player mined the entries to his base, but I thought you could have sneaked in with your pumas, to try and take the Howitzers down. The first raid with the Gesuchtzwagen was dubious.

WM won, but I think the VPs saved him. After loosing those 3 pumas to the 2 M10s, he was in a bad spot. Also I wanted to ask after loosing those pumas, why making more Pumas? I didn't understand that choice.
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