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Company of Heroes

Bent vs BigBoy

#1Bentguru  Oct 8 2007, 04:21 AM -
Replays: 54 Game:
Kinda intresting, wehr vs brit on semois.

I certainly don't play my best, but then if i play my best it's a boring replay anyway.
#2The Black Orchestra  Oct 8 2007, 04:53 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
+1" to teh epeen.
#3Bentguru  Oct 8 2007, 04:58 AM -
Replays: 54 Game:
+1" to teh epeen.

If you're going to try to attack my ego, make it at least make sense.

I was asked to post this.
#4The Black Orchestra  Oct 8 2007, 05:08 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
'Twas apparently coherent enough that the message was conveyed. In any case I'm getting my lulz, off I go!
#5killjoyntk  Oct 8 2007, 10:40 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Lol I didn't know you were radialshift. I was wondering why in the chatroom you were talking like you were a pro with those stats:)
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