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Company of Heroes

WmDGeneralHell vs. ImperialDane

#1GENERALHELL  Oct 24 2011, 20:28 PM -
Intense game, infantry vs. blitz. Some ballsy rifleman with nice vet. A Tiger that escapes from death couple of times. Some nice play from both players, enjoy wink.gif
#2Spankyy  Oct 24 2011, 21:21 PM -
sounds like fun, ill take a look smile.gif

Edit: enjoyed it! this one deserves a wub cause it really has its moments!

PS: dont repair while his tiger is aiming at your engineers. 2 squads down with one hit biggrin.gif u sod!
This post has been edited by Spankyy: Oct 24 2011, 21:43 PM
#3Robienator  Oct 28 2011, 21:14 PM -
Replays: 99 Game:
So, you are Sugartitz...You dont like angoville.
#4GENERALHELL  Oct 28 2011, 21:19 PM -
So, you are Sugartitz...You dont like angoville.

I don't like PE dry.gif Let alone on angoville...Just play against me when ur playing wher, then we talk kk? smile.gif
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