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Company of Heroes


#1kentoshogun  Jul 14 2014, 16:40 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Not memorable at all, just a reminder of how creativity and too much talking can make you fail hard.
#2aScientologist  Jul 14 2014, 17:34 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
I wanted to try a variation of a base rush + 1-1-1-1 aggression. The whole purpose of the 1-1-1-1 is to hold a grasp a land and hold onto it without getting pushed off with a sniper. Into t2 gren spam. I tried it with a fast mg bunker but you cant get a faster mg42 letting you pushed pff early. I did this becuase i remeber see how bjarkey used to implement it into his pio spam a mg bunker not on the cutoff but on the brit hq i found that x for x either mg or bunker played a factor into this. It doesnt really work. I really like the 1-1-1-1 on WT over pio spam becuase i remeber playing marbow ( 20 brit) and having his t1 tank push off pios without a chance to kite them nulifying t2 and with my expierence playing maximus that you cant beat a brit Alone with gren spam so when i played him id tech snipers instead of nebels or stukas becuase of brit stag flexibility can snipe and you May say " grens cant beat snipers" but i find they Are good bait for an pak ambush.

I dunno why you posted this nor do i care but hit me up if you want to play a real match. Derp. Owwwh you go me gg wp
#3kentoshogun  Jul 14 2014, 18:55 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
I uploaded this because there are many players who try to humiliate brit players in the description or title of the replay. Like if it was some kind of "Hey look at this nub and how i beat him, let's everyone have some laughs on him".

I uploaded it because there's no need for the replay to last 1 hour to show someone a lesson.

Btw, it's difficult to understand what you write.
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