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Company of Heroes

RoboBobo vs. SuV Great game

#1RoboBobo  Mar 25 2008, 21:35 PM -
Knowing a package was to be delivered around the time I was playing this game I decide to hop on a smurf and play a game while I waited for the delivery to come.

The game that happened as a result was close and fun. I made lots of mistakes in the early/mid game making this a very close and interesting match. The game swings back and forth and you wont know who the winner is untill at least a little closer to the end. Luckily the delivery man was late and when he did eventually come the game was pretty much over already.

Also for those who enjoy people flaming each other online and hitting each other with their e-peens' you can watch SuV make a fool of himself while he bitches to me about everything from cheating to giving him the win since I was on a smurf (lvl 10 smurf btw so its not like I was lvl 1). banana.gif I accuse him of drop hacking at the end because he starts to lag a ton with 3 vp's left. luckily he smartens up and decides not to. thumb.gif

Enjoy and wub thumb.gif ,
This post has been edited by RoboBobo: Mar 26 2008, 05:33 AM
#2.bAgr  Mar 25 2008, 22:12 PM -
#3RoboBobo  Mar 26 2008, 05:32 AM -
hmm seems he has a history of this..... Anyone report him yet?
#4faiishirmjager  Mar 26 2008, 05:38 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
I dunno if anyone has reported him yet...but EVERY single replay I have seen of his there is the accusation of drop hacking with a eerily coincidental creation of lag...
#5Parabol  Mar 26 2008, 08:33 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
CoH Paris Hilton
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