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Company of Heroes

What the actual fak.(n44b gets carried)

#1kentoshogun  Oct 22 2018, 04:06 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
I must admit he got me pretty mad during the game, but getting one of your rangers to vet 2 is something not often seen in games like this, kudos to the lvl1 nab.

Beret lost 1 panther to one extremely lucky offmap arty by the nab and I think he lost it after that. Statement wasn't getting enough mp to reinforce the grens he was losing. Also I don't really understand why the need of a flak88 under constant arty carnage.
#2nin3  Oct 23 2018, 00:24 AM -
#3TheSkYisTheLimiT  Oct 23 2018, 14:49 PM -
Replays: 364
haha vs 2 PRO Djs gg wp kento 2v1 M8
#4Statement  Oct 23 2018, 15:51 PM -

Replays: 71 Game:
Yea this was bad D: Brit OP.. couldn't believe it. But I guess u were lucky he went howitzers behind ur defensive line and started off with wsc and 2 mg in both houses so u couldnt quite be flanked early game. But anyway, well played.. we were out-played , we dont know what happened ^^
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