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Company of Heroes

#ABADAS / terrible guys started Barcounting again

#1BravoMyLife  Feb 4 2020, 19:06 PM -
sky and nascar do barcounting again. upload for reporting

nascar = https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198160494206/

sky = https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199010570597/
This post has been merged by djw2104: Today, 19:12 PM
#2Arcamis  Feb 4 2020, 19:20 PM -
Replays: 10
Yeah these cunts are cancelling bars like it's all they know. Could've gotten a game 5 times, then the search stopped and I had to restart it and then I got the game vs these noobs but my mate left cause he doesn't play vs severe autism.
#3BravoMyLife  Feb 4 2020, 19:27 PM -
QUOTE(Arcamis @ Today, 04:20 AM)
Yeah these cunts are cancelling bars like it's all they know. Could've gotten a game 5 times, then the search stopped and I had to restart it and then I got the game vs these noobs but my mate left cause he doesn't play vs severe autism.

yup that's why i uploaded this shitty replay

they never stop Barcounting as always. so they must get to ban like before. sky was even got erased his main account by relic. but he is still not shameless. what a joke Kappa
#4Tigerstahl  Feb 5 2020, 10:43 AM -
Replays: 4
had them 2 games yesterday too

I dont play these shit games, especially with some Level 15 mates with neg stats….
thx for still ruining the random ranked Sky and feel proud of
your fake stats
#5Rosom  Feb 5 2020, 12:27 PM -
Replays: 7
can i know when we gonna start banning maphackers?

#6djw2104  Feb 5 2020, 15:24 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
QUOTE(Rosom @ Today, 12:27 PM)
can i know when we gonna start banning maphackers?

Membersof this site who have a confirmed cheat conviction get an automatic 28 day suspension for the first offence. A second offence receives a permananent ban.

Link for your information.
#7Leveltake  Feb 5 2020, 15:43 PM -
Replays: 33
2v2 is well and truly a joke,but if rank doesnt matter why you guys not just play lobby games. that would solve all issues (good and fair games, no maphack,no barcounters, no 2brit on rails, no boosters, just fun and challenging) maybe coh ranking dead but still fun games in lobby
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