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Company of Heroes

good game vs S1mply

#1Freestyler.  May 5 2020, 17:33 PM -
Replays: 242 Game:
50 min
t1-t2-t3-t4 from both sides
a lot vet
run for the vp
#2S1mply  May 5 2020, 17:41 PM -
Replays: 168
i played terrible today i dont wanna play dis game anymore.

well played deez panthers were a really good call i wonder if i should have tryed with 4-5 m10s rather than atgs

This post has been edited by S1mply: May 5 2020, 18:12 PM
#3pwnstick  May 5 2020, 23:24 PM -
Replays: 80
QUOTE(S1mply @ Today, 17:41 PM)
i played terrible today i dont wanna play dis game anymore.

well played deez panthers were a really good call i wonder if i should have tryed with 4-5 m10s rather than atgs

Seemed to me that nebble was the mvp. Each time you were set up to push the WER position or threaten them panthers, neb to ruin the day.
#4gravemouth  May 6 2020, 08:44 AM -
Replays: 79 Game:
I usually can't tank that Howitzer for too long, but there was no backdoor here. Nice vetting for the Panthers, almost felt like a 2v2 game in the end. Also that Puma was legendary. GG.
#5Arashenstein  May 6 2020, 11:01 AM -

Replays: 80 Game:
I really thought S1mply won this game somewhere in the middle.
#6Freestyler.  May 7 2020, 11:25 AM -
Replays: 242 Game:
yeah the nebel must have been very annoying for us

t3 paid out well - also that lucky puma
#7IKA {GEO}  Aug 10 2022, 19:13 PM -
Replays: 203
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