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Company of Heroes

2v2 HuK/Sleaze vs Raptor/Mor

#1GosuStarcraft  Mar 16 2021, 01:18 AM -
Replays: 29 Clan: Reborn
Fun game, some cheeky ket micro at the left fuel smile.gif GG
#2nin3  Mar 16 2021, 18:20 PM -
1., good to see you!
2., i though, its a loss when you picked TD

#3SleazyBastard  Mar 16 2021, 21:44 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
lmao more like a Huk 2v1. I lost my entire T1 to a BiB.
#4GosuStarcraft  Mar 17 2021, 00:04 AM -
Replays: 29 Clan: Reborn
QUOTE(SleazyBastard @ Yesterday, 21:44 PM)
lmao more like a Huk 2v1. I lost my entire T1 to a BiB.

Nah your mid/late game wasn't bad at all. Also you deserve the brit abuse tongue.gif

QUOTE(nin3 @ Yesterday, 18:20 PM)
1., good to see you!
2., i though, its a loss when you picked TD


Thank you my old friend! TD not so bad if you can snowball and get the right momentum!
This post has been merged by djw2104: Today, 14:04 PM
#5Argentinosaurus  Mar 19 2021, 02:37 AM -
#6\//\Death-Machine/\\/  Mar 28 2021, 07:46 AM -
Replays: 418
QUOTE(SleazyBastard @ Mar 16 2021, 21:44 PM)
lmao more like a Huk 2v1. I lost my entire T1 to a BiB.

This player ripped you apart, but in the end your tiger worked wonders R4PTOR 172 HuK 8
#7Arashenstein  Mar 29 2021, 17:49 PM -

Replays: 80 Game:
Okay I like you a bit more now Sleaze I see you play Axis too and see how filthy it is to play against broken Brits.

And Gosu smile.gif it is good to see you back after almost 13 years since last time we played biggrin.gif

About the game: Extremely well played complete 1v2 situation at start you handled it amazingly man!
This post has been edited by Arashenstein: Mar 29 2021, 18:09 PM
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