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Company of Heroes

VP war of attrition!

#1itsaGreenHat  Mar 19 2021, 03:40 AM -
Replays: 16
Hard game for me & argentino, 2x US vs 2xPE.

Armor/Inf x TD/Luft

Plenty of tense moments, impossible to predict who will win with 15 vp difference by the end!, & some funny moments like me blowing up argentinos army with offmap arti multiple times (accidentally) smile.gif enjoy.
#2Statement  Mar 19 2021, 14:36 PM -

Replays: 71 Game:
ItsAGreenHat! statemChamp
#3TerrorRunIntoMySkill  Mar 19 2021, 15:38 PM -
Replays: 230 Game:
hes back smile.gif!
#4\//\Death-Machine/\\/  Mar 27 2021, 15:59 PM -
Replays: 416
Shidevre, legendary replay, American tanks don't solve anything
I will lose here at once Unique record
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