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Company of Heroes

Why did it happen?

#1Slip  Aug 10 2021, 23:23 PM -
Replays: 58
Game even has not reached late stage, but I won.
Don't wub, just explain.
His stat https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/...letterbox=false
This post has been edited by Slip: Aug 10 2021, 23:32 PM
#2nin3  Aug 11 2021, 16:29 PM -
haahahah well done

#3MoreLuckPlease  Aug 11 2021, 20:09 PM -
Replays: 258 Game:
wow nice! n1qshok.gif
#4Slip  Aug 11 2021, 20:23 PM -
Replays: 58
I repeat, explain why such strong wehr strategy could not resist against wsc? Was it luck or what? As I know Wrecked Train is wehr's map. Will it work at any other map?
This post has been edited by Slip: Aug 11 2021, 20:26 PM
#5pwnstick  Aug 12 2021, 13:10 PM -
Replays: 80
QUOTE(Slip @ Yesterday, 20:23 PM)
I repeat, explain why such strong wehr strategy could not resist against wsc? Was it luck or what? As I know Wrecked Train is wehr's map. Will it work at any other map?

dude u recked him. You got way out ahead with 2 sniper kills, plus an m8 mine that did shitloads of damage and wiped a squad. Without these wipes, i think we would have seen a much more cancerous mid/late game.
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