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Company of Heroes

Amazing Game from Start to Finish

#1Nosliw  Sep 21 2021, 12:18 PM -
August 12, 1944. German Army Group B, with the 7th Army and the Fifth Panzer Army have been encircled by the Western Allies.

Can the 7th and Fifth Panzer Army, commanded by Generals ZuluKobra and SMOKO break free and spearhead their way back to their homeland? Tune in to find it.

But really, this was a helluva game. Really back in forth with huge infantry and tank battles.

#2crazychris  Sep 21 2021, 14:25 PM -
Replays: 76 Game:
I probably should have made something other than stugs monkaS
#3ZuluKobra  Sep 21 2021, 17:36 PM -
Replays: 8

"His howitzer is firing again, displace,"

"Watch it kill both of my snipers,"

"Yeah, I'm moving my Pak too, move yo--OH ARE YOU #$%&ING KIDDING ME??!?!??!"

💰 shots
#4Happiness  Sep 21 2021, 17:58 PM -
Replays: 85
QUOTE(ZuluKobra @ Today, 17:36 PM)

"His howitzer is firing again, displace,"

"Watch it kill both of my snipers,"

"Yeah, I'm moving my Pak too, move yo--OH ARE YOU #$%&ING KIDDING ME??!?!??!"

💰 shots

HAHAHA them howies did WORK !
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