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Company of Heroes

Short distance map

#1NoLuckJustSkill  Dec 4 2021, 21:20 PM -
Replays: 21
double brits twice the fun right?
#2LUCKBAR  Dec 5 2021, 18:40 PM -
Replays: 13
wubwubwub wpwpwpwpwp
you never been away
#3S1mply  Dec 7 2021, 16:13 PM -
Replays: 168
wub very good vs tryhard double brits
#4Kaput12  Dec 12 2021, 02:30 AM -
Replays: 27
hahahaha that was a fast kill, 15 mins game vs double brits as double wehr its a total shame... gg wub!!!
#5\//\Death-Machine/\\/  Dec 16 2021, 00:43 AM -
Replays: 413
WUB 10
#6djw2104  Dec 28 2021, 14:19 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
Belated Replay of the Week.
#7U!LTRA  Dec 29 2021, 11:30 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Both Brits spammed emplacements and artillery instead of at least one of them teching for tanks and they suicided all their Bren carriers instead of keeping them upgunned in the back.. no wonder they lost, they had hardly anything to stop the WM infantry from rushing them.
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