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Company of Heroes

Pretty Epic Wrecked train clutch

#1S1mply  Jan 9 2022, 19:13 PM -
Replays: 168
When my vet rifle bugged on the Mid VP i tried to type "bugged" fast but i misstyped in the stress. i corrected it right afterwards!
He threw in a BM "GG" at that point, which lead to an insta karma double counter snipe XD
Instead of the stream chat suggestions to go BM back, i kept it in and invested in karma for an OMCG... bless the coh gods, gg, have a nice sunday!

Opponents Playercard: https://playercard.cohstats.com/?steamid=76561199082123031
#2Magnolia  Jan 9 2022, 20:29 PM -
Replays: 223
QUOTE(S1mply @ Today, 19:13 PM)
When my vet rifle bugged on the Mid VP i tried to type "bugged" fast but i misstyped in the stress. i corrected it right afterwards!
He threw in a BM "GG" at that point, which lead to an insta karma double counter snipe XD
Instead of the stream chat suggestions to go BM back, i kept it in and invested in karma for an OMCG... bless the coh gods, gg, have a nice sunday!

Opponents Playercard: https://playercard.cohstats.com/?steamid=76561199082123031

Esamble the army! https://www.twitch.tv/simply_coh/clip/Clums...d&sort=time
#3pwnstick  Jan 9 2022, 21:44 PM -
Replays: 80
I'm shocked this guy was able to get back on the field after losing his first two tier 1 units.
#4Arashenstein  Jan 10 2022, 07:53 AM -

Replays: 80 Game:
Whenever I used OMBG I always got riflemen and MG and mortar at best some AT guns lol
#5IrishBeer  Jan 11 2022, 08:58 AM -
Replays: 33
"BM "GG" at that point, which lead to an insta karma double counter snipe" - i would like to WUB 2times smile.gif
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