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Company of Heroes

Who knows fedor dude? What do you think about him?

#1nwsmailnwsmail  Feb 6 2022, 23:16 PM -
Replays: 53
4v4 good game attached
#2Volkl  Feb 7 2022, 00:56 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Axis threw away what should have been an easy victory. Failed to lockdown the hill TWICE. Spent alot of manpower on outposts that could not be held and were destroyed. Needed more fighting units on hill. Too many unprotected hummels. Double Wehr Quarters but no paks. Very poor repair bunker placement. Got distracted trying to take middle fuel too early rather than secure hill. Lost units needlessly being over-aggressive. When Axis has the hill and hummels, time is on its side.
#3PlumpBilly  Feb 7 2022, 03:37 AM -
Replays: 12
I think your cowardly team should play automatch more often
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