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Company of Heroes

how to not let brit breath

#1s1mple  Feb 26 2022, 19:13 PM -
Replays: 53
#2Volkl  Feb 27 2022, 06:48 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
How not to let Brit breathe? Stick him with noob teammates. Left side collapsed like a cheap lawn chair with slot 4 camping while slot 3 got massacred. Slot 2 US seemed incapable of making anything other than engineers, MGs, and un-upgraded rifles. No stickies, no bars, no snipers, no mortars, no M8, no tanks. But he managed to make FIVE forward HQs. First time I've seen that in a "real" game. Seriously, who takes Infantry Company and doesn't get bars, doesn't make rangers, and doesn't make a 105? Brit never had a chance. Axis could have spammed nothing but flame pioneers and won.
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