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Company of Heroes

Tournament Finals - Deciding Game 5!

#1itsaGreenHat  Jul 2 2022, 22:57 PM -
Replays: 16
#2pwnstick  Jul 2 2022, 23:20 PM -
Replays: 80
Nice job Beret.

Gotta say, its kind of a shame to see the Wer dominance in tournaments, and I don't think we saw any Wer play that didn't include Tier 3. Maybe in a few more years we'll have some anti tier 3 USA meta?
#3IKA {GEO}  Jul 3 2022, 13:07 PM -
Replays: 203
Ma BOy <3
Green Beret Fan Club is open !
#4LuckyStilet  Jul 5 2022, 01:22 AM -
Replays: 411
QUOTE(pwnstick @ Jul 2 2022, 23:20 PM)
Nice job Beret.

Gotta say, its kind of a shame to see the Wer dominance in tournaments, and I don't think we saw any Wer play that didn't include Tier 3. Maybe in a few more years we'll have some anti tier 3 USA meta?

Results much more about features of particular players than armies issue
#5LuckyStilet  Jul 7 2022, 14:47 PM -
Replays: 411
I'll make my poore imho as too many people after those games sys me how one sided is wm...
So let's dive in.

Checked G1, G2, G5 on Semois.
It was always terrible USA play and solid / very well WM play.
G1, G5 - 2es jeep opening? As far as I remember, BK not a good jeep user, especially with 2es jeep 1st, it really require special practice. And in general it is not a thing as solid opener on Semois, can be good only if you can predict opponents build order. But what happened in reality? Beret did PERFECT counter to that opener.
After that jeep didn't find any good combats in super erly game = waist of jeep opener.

G1 - good example of absolute terrible execution.
*jeep taks so many damage on top 10 muni and then it does not even chase pio to finish it.
*Rifles pushing from grave yard direction to the island, see pio lay mine, losse 4 man! then go island, don't move back in time and waist rifle.
*Skirmish above church, strong house 2 volk vs 2 rifle around stone fance. Like in general it is quertionable to push 2 volks in heavy cover. But BK move rifles one by one T_T. And waist so many modesl and all retreat.
*No pushing on fuel 10, no mines on cut off, mainly as result of previous mistakes.

G2 Beret USA.
*3es jeep and push on top muni and fuel 10 - very solid opener + lucky opponents cap order this time. But then weird thing comming. Like engineer after 10 muni back go to the +5 amunition and skip +16 for a long time.
*So when 1st rifle out - 5muni is already capt and rifle trying push volks with jeep. Well you can do that.... If wm split volks. But if he holds = you waisted so many time and mb even have to retreat - which actually happened here.
*So jeep switched middle, MG out and just defand 10 fuel. Just hand face. And US even miss micro and retreat engineer. It is so huge game changer. What he actually had to do: keep jeep next to t1 and don't allow MG to even move!
*Then absolute tunnel vision from US, skip capping island and pushing WM when MG on breadge and all army just on front door....
*Predictable result, lose jeep, lose flamer, killed 4 volks models, lost many rifles models and retreat.
*Bars cherry on the cake.

G5 BK USA Semois

*Again bad lucky opener from BK. 2es jeep top muni / fuel push vs pio capping fuel and retreat cap back.
*Agin no push on feul 10, jeep missing many opportunities
*Well placed mines on cut off.
*Good jeep flanking on 2 MGs and pushing back vs 2v 2mg s (big t1) and push back.
*In general good start for US, you can see it on map control when m8 out.
*And then hail merry play kicks in:
1) M8 go to the island direction?? Killed pio it nothing considering long t1 + HT (no pak for a long time) play.
2) Because of that WM just pushing middle with HT
3) OP amunitions ????
4) You can note mistake like when m8 killed pio on island BK forgot his jeep and he dived in the base. Huge lose of concentration. Not big mistake but illustrate shape of player.
5) Because of terrible m8 position = no 10 fuel haras, gren just push back jeep and capping 5 Fuel and cut off and control strong house, after that he pushhed OP. And guess what? BK has 150 muni and 0 mines there, WM hang on with HT, inf, paks without any panishment.
6) Off map on HT gren T_T
7) Because of no mines and invested 200 in OP and second Sniper US can't make AT. And have to go sticks. How wrong it is? US had 3 CP after off map and still had not fuel for 105, it is super wrong on Semois.
8) When m8 back, there still no mines smile.gif)) And 2 volks 1 gren 1 sniper + HT pushing....
Because wm feels safe above church - he can move there pak and protect all middle with just a single pack. Result = huge MP drain for US.

BK trying his best, but not much you can do without good tools.
That fight gave WN dominative mid game.
You can see some more obvious mistakes from US and pretty much 0 from WM (I mean no terrible miss micro from WM)

Kinda crazy that it was that close.

But as an viewer - it was very interesting game.

Three consecutive posts have been merged.

This post has been edited by djw2104: Jul 7 2022, 17:09 PM
#6djw2104  Jul 11 2022, 13:25 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:

This has made Replay of the Week. thumb.gif
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