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Company of Heroes

Crazy game with Zulu

#1Statement  Jul 3 2022, 13:32 PM -

Replays: 71 Game:
Zulu (US Lv. 20, South, Airborne) vs Statement (PE Lv. 15, North, Tank Destroyer)

In this ridiculous ranked match a lot of weird things happened.

- Both strafes of the game get shot down by the base flakvierling and crash on the same spot.
- Sniper gets countersniped by accident after his first shot by Hetzer.
- Entire 6 man health airborne squad gets completely crushed by Hetzer right after upgrading with recoiless rifles.
- AT gun lands on a teller mine and the squad is still alive and moving but the gun is dead. (never seen that!)
- Big mortar shell kills repairing engineers.
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