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Company of Heroes


#1IKA {GEO}  Aug 12 2022, 15:26 PM -
Replays: 203
Game was frozen first couple of mins post-13661-1143531603.gif
#2TheSkYisTheLimiT  Aug 12 2022, 21:24 PM -
Replays: 364
QUOTE(IKA {GEO} @ Today, 15:26 PM)
Game was frozen first couple of mins post-13661-1143531603.gif

Nice excuse thats tbh a new one beside of maphack streamwatcher rng or 1000 other excuses u normaly throw in

Gg wp epic comeback cohnr1 player wpwp
Looking forwar for more epic doxn replays n1qshok.gif
#3IKA {GEO}  Aug 12 2022, 22:21 PM -
Replays: 203
QUOTE(TheSkYisTheLimiT @ Today, 21:24 PM)

Nice excuse thats tbh a new one beside of maphack streamwatcher rng or 1000 other excuses u normaly throw in

Gg wp epic comeback cohnr1 player wpwp
Looking forwar for more epic doxn replays n1qshok.gif

Keep bosting and walk away. noone cares about you.
#4TheSkYisTheLimiT  Aug 13 2022, 06:05 AM -
Replays: 364
QUOTE(IKA {GEO} @ Yesterday, 22:21 PM)

Keep bosting and walk away. noone cares about you.

Bosting ,??????? Lelek
#5djw2104  Aug 14 2022, 13:42 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
Maybe this game might jog your memory.Versus Lord Shish
#6Arashenstein  Aug 14 2022, 22:50 PM -

Replays: 80 Game:
QUOTE(djw2104 @ Today, 13:42 PM)
Maybe this game might jog your memory.Versus Lord Shish

Just for info: That YT link he posted is for you SkyLimit to review...
#7Convuko  Aug 15 2022, 06:28 AM -
QUOTE(djw2104 @ Yesterday, 13:42 PM)
Maybe this game might jog your memory.Versus Lord Shish

Can you not ban him from GR then?
#8IKA {GEO}  Aug 15 2022, 07:39 AM -
Replays: 203
QUOTE(djw2104 @ Yesterday, 13:42 PM)
Maybe this game might jog your memory.Versus Lord Shish

Lol, Love how he dissapeared from GR biggrin.gif hes thinking about some good excuse. probably he will say that hes steam acc was hacked biggrin.gif
#9djw2104  Aug 15 2022, 17:26 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
QUOTE(Convuko @ Today, 06:28 AM)

Can you not ban him from GR then?

If it can be proved that Sky was using the PE players nick and also if it was confirmed freeze hack had been used again then yes.
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