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Company of Heroes


#1pwnstick  Aug 25 2022, 18:26 PM -
Replays: 80
Commando Cry turtles all game, makes 7 piats, 6 lieutenant, then cries and calls me a "panther spammer." for making 2 panther battle groups in a 55 min game.

Then of course he claims he crushed me and I can have the "draw" for the VP win.

Same old story.
#2Nosf3ratu  Aug 31 2022, 11:14 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
I don't understand why he went though so much effort to leave his HQ up for so long before he moved to go all the way to the right side fuel then hardly used any of the fuel all game lol.

I know between the two VPs on the right side would be easier to manage but he could of went on a munitions point instead and got Infantry/Sapper upgrades faster, mines etc. That was a nice sector artillery hit, your Panthers did well too. I'm sure he gets high as a kite before playing with some of the things he says lol. You played well, wubbed!
This post has been edited by Nosf3ratu: Aug 31 2022, 18:26 PM
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