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Company of Heroes

ABADAS - Sauron eye?

#1LuckyStilet  Mar 10 2023, 12:44 PM -
Replays: 411
Why Brit is legit? 4:00 perfect opportunity to kill sniper or force to retreat, reaction after shot.

1) 6:40 ofc he clean all mines. (but this not super suspicous, obvious place and tecnicly he saw mine in the middle, but doubt he would note that in half second)
2) 5:00 - snipers go back and forth, prepairing to shoot recon saftly
3) 10:00 - shots in the middle, from one side he made two shots when I was nearby but then when I was absolute ready to counter snipe he stoped shooting trench
4) 11:40 - middle. I fkd a bit new sniper. Next second he move there to shoot.
5) You didn't even saw sniper yet and getting bike? when stags around?))
6) 12:00 - as soon as I position my sniper to be ready for push - bikes come perfectly in sniper face.
7) 20:30 - ****my engineer want cap VP. I build mine and skip cut off. No visson for WM. 20:43 he goes not to check what is going on around 5 fuel but directly to VP.****
8) 27:50 - ****While bike rushing for v1, volks go directly to sniper which didn't shoot.****
This post has been edited by LuckyStilet: Mar 10 2023, 17:32 PM
#2\//\Death-Machine/\\/  Mar 10 2023, 16:56 PM -
Replays: 416
QUOTE(LuckyStilet @ Today, 12:44 PM)
Why Brit is legit? 4:00 perfect opportunity to kill sniper or force to retreat, reaction after shot.

1) 6:40 ofc he clean all mines. (but this not super suspicous, obvious place and tecnicly he saw mine in the middle, but doubt he would note that in half second)
2) 5:00 - snipers go back and forth, prepairing to shoot recon saftly
3) 10:00 - shots in the middle, from one side he made two shots when I was nearby but then when I was absolute ready to counter snipe he stoped shooting trench
4) 11:40 - middle. I fkd a bit new sniper. Next second he move there to shoot.
5) You didn't even saw sniper yet and getting bike? when stags around?))
6) 12:00 - as soon as I position my sniper to be ready for push - bikes come perfectly in sniper face.
7) 20:30 - ****my engineer want cap VP. I build mine and skip cut off. No visson for WM. 20:43 he goes not to check what is going on around 5 fuel but directly to VP.****
8) 27:50 - ****While bike rushing for vp, volks go directly to sniper which didn't shoot.****

He can't be blamed, it's a coincidence.
#3Volkl  Mar 12 2023, 06:04 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
QUOTE(LuckyStilet @ Yesterday, 04:44 AM)
Why Brit is legit? 4:00 perfect opportunity to kill sniper or force to retreat, reaction after shot.

1) 6:40 ofc he clean all mines. (but this not super suspicous, obvious place and tecnicly he saw mine in the middle, but doubt he would note that in half second)
2) 5:00 - snipers go back and forth, prepairing to shoot recon saftly
3) 10:00 - shots in the middle, from one side he made two shots when I was nearby but then when I was absolute ready to counter snipe he stoped shooting trench
4) 11:40 - middle. I fkd a bit new sniper. Next second he move there to shoot.
5) You didn't even saw sniper yet and getting bike? when stags around?))
6) 12:00 - as soon as I position my sniper to be ready for push - bikes come perfectly in sniper face.
7) 20:30 - ****my engineer want cap VP. I build mine and skip cut off. No visson for WM. 20:43 he goes not to check what is going on around 5 fuel but directly to VP.****
8) 27:50 - ****While bike rushing for v1, volks go directly to sniper which didn't shoot.****

(0) Confirmed, Brit had natural reaction to sniper shot, did not preemptively march to sniper location with recon squad.

(1) Confimed. Minesweeper brought out immediately after mines were laid. Proceeds directly to last three mines laid, no search pattern, did not just follow road. Tip: queue a move command any time you lay mines so your engineers do not remain in a crouched position which gives away that a mine is there. NOT the case in replay. No mines were legitimately revealed until minesweeper was on top of them.

(2) Confirmed

(3) Confirmed with qualification, your sniper was moved too far forward before cloaking so it was visible before firing a shot

(4) Once again, your second sniper was moved too far forward as well before cloaking. Not indicative.

(5) Snipers had already been revealed before shooting. Not indicative.

(6) As described

(7) Confirmed, engineers were hidden in the fog of war on their way to the right VP. Snipers proceeded on intercept path directly to them with no other discernable explanation.

(8) This happened closer to 23:40; Volks don't go directly to your sniper initially but do alter course to them as his snipers come into range.

Other observations: Grave Digger is a weak player with poor micro. Units idling for substantial periods of time as most of his micro went into moving his snipers. He had five unvetted paks with stukas on the way despite having nearly 300 fuel. Lost 4 paks to a single creeping barrage because he has no idea how to properly use paks.

What would Gandalf do?
#4Volkl  Nov 15 2023, 07:10 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Restating in light of this week's revelation officially confirming that Gravedigger maphacks. Ya'll should start heeding my observations, I can smell maphackers a mile away.

Other observations: Grave Digger is a weak player with poor micro. Units idling for substantial periods of time as most of his micro went into moving his snipers. He had five unvetted paks with stukas on the way despite having nearly 300 fuel. Lost 4 paks to a single creeping barrage because he has no idea how to properly use paks.

What would Gandalf do?
#5Volkl  Nov 21 2023, 07:30 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
At the end of the match, your Brit teammate had to scrape off snipers from the undercarriage of his staghounds and stuart. During the match, Gravedigger alleged that Brit was maphacking. An allegation you appear to acknowledge and accept in the chat. But for some reason you failed to mention this in your post, Lucky Stilet. In fact, you seem to relish in it.

Your single cherry-picked counter-example claiming Brit was legit was knowingly disingenuous and misleading.
This post has been edited by Volkl: Nov 21 2023, 07:35 AM
#6LuckyStilet  Nov 24 2023, 02:44 AM -
Replays: 411
QUOTE(Volkl @ Nov 21 2023, 07:30 AM)
At the end of the match, your Brit teammate had to scrape off snipers from the undercarriage of his staghounds and stuart. During the match, Gravedigger alleged that Brit was maphacking. An allegation you appear to acknowledge and accept in the chat. But for some reason you failed to mention this in your post, Lucky Stilet. In fact, you seem to relish in it.

Your single cherry-picked counter-example claiming Brit was legit was knowingly disingenuous and misleading.

Do you think I following each step of my ally in the game?
Gravedigger cheating confirmed in other replay for 100% and by one more source.
#7Volkl  Nov 24 2023, 03:47 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
QUOTE(LuckyStilet @ Today, 18:44 PM)

Do you think I following each step of my ally in the game?
Gravedigger cheating confirmed in other replay for 100% and by one more source.

I think you were fully aware of what was going on based on chat dialog. You were laughing at it. Twice Gravedigger alleged in chat that Brit was hacking. Your response is an implied approval based on your belief that Gravedigger "cheated first".

26:47 teammate Staghound collides into enemy sniper
26:50 you snipe enemy sniper
26:52 [Lucky Stilet in chat] "Haha"
27:40 teammate drives Staghounds directly to cloaked enemy sniper
27:42 [Lucky Stilet in chat] "Hahaha"
31:10 [Gravedigger in chat] "cheater in your team and u are talking aboiut others? XD"
31:24 [Lucky Stilet in chat] "you map hack and bug abuse first"
33:26 [Gravedigger in chat] "obviously cherater in your team and what will u say foir him wp??"
33:46 [Lucky Stilet in chat] "you cheated 1st"
This post has been edited by Volkl: Nov 24 2023, 06:12 AM
#8LuckyStilet  Nov 24 2023, 04:09 AM -
Replays: 411
QUOTE(Volkl @ Nov 21 2023, 07:30 AM)
At the end of the match, your Brit teammate had to scrape off snipers from the undercarriage of his staghounds and stuart. During the match, Gravedigger alleged that Brit was maphacking. An allegation you appear to acknowledge and accept in the chat. But for some reason you failed to mention this in your post, Lucky Stilet. In fact, you seem to relish in it.

Your single cherry-picked counter-example claiming Brit was legit was knowingly disingenuous and misleading.

Man what is your problem? I noticed cheaing against me. I should not like when my mate has some luck / cheating against opponent that cheating against me? You kidding? I had mood to play on his nervous in return.
#9Volkl  Nov 24 2023, 04:19 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
QUOTE(LuckyStilet @ Today, 20:09 PM)

Man what is your problem? I noticed cheaing against me. I should not like when my mate has some luck / cheating against opponent that cheating against me? You kidding? I had mood to play on his nervous in return.

The issue is your lack of transparency.
#10abadas  Nov 24 2023, 17:49 PM -
Replays: 136
QUOTE(LuckyStilet @ Today, 04:09 AM)

Man what is your problem? I noticed cheaing against me. I should not like when my mate has some luck / cheating against opponent that cheating against me? You kidding? I had mood to play on his nervous in return.

What a shame. For you it is everything OK to play with cheater and complain about cheating... More important is to beat me... So cheating in your team is alloweded. FU. A lot of kids in these days sad.gif
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