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Company of Heroes

Chasing Cloaked Ketten out of nowhere

#1Manf741  May 15 2023, 22:58 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Is it me or this "Soft Power" guy have manyyyy weird moves ( around 22:00" a 30 sec cloak ket chase by rifles seems out of this world, around 30:00 perfect arty hit on my inf moving out of base in FOW , and many little things / arti shot ..)

I watched the replay many many times and i'm pretty sure it's not legit ?

He's obviously a "decent" player who knows what he's doing and better than me in this game. But the only way he could spot my ket was maybe by ear, that's the only thing I could think of to explain this. And it t wouldn't make it for the numerous arty shot in the dark, his snips were most of the time way behind front lines

Any opinion on this ?
Cheers !

Little update !

I met the same guy with another name ( "We have lost the site" , " The perfect mind in a healthy body", "Happy Ending" )i know it's him since his steam profile displays those names used in the past)
Seems to be someone known as "Syrian Tiger" also

I can definitely confirm he is not playing legit ( will upload the replay later) with arti shots right on targets ( cloaked snips .. & more ) deep in FOW , I checked replay dozen of times again ofc to ensure I'm not accusing in vain

Also, another member uploaded a replay with obvious proof ( mortar fire on
cloacked snip isolated in FOW) while playing vs same guy, I will re upload it later also, as it seems it was deleted for some reason..

This guy is right now lvl 18 (pos 7) as wehr 2V2 . Sad.

Here is his steam ID if you want to keep an eye on him as he changes his pseudo every 10 days or so : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199467889312

This post has been edited by Manf741: Feb 4 2024, 22:22 PM
#2Volkl  May 16 2023, 02:01 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Initially I was going to say he scouted with his M8 and several of his 105 barrages were on less-than-ideal targets. But watching the maneuver starting at 21:30, he orchestrates a pullback of both his rifle squad and AT gun. The indirect approach looks intended to not scare you from moving your ket too soon. It's very clear he knows exactly where your ket is because after he moves his AT gun into range and points it in its direction, he charges his rifles to its position. He knows once revealed by his rifle squad, the AT gun will splat the ket instantly.

Your ket was never revealed visibly nor was any offmap arty was used that would give it away either. Seems unlikely that it would be audibly detected while not moving with 105s going off next to it. A really advanced player might expect luftwaffe to reveal his 105 from the other side of the hedge and, with good speakers, might be able to scan for it. But to precisely locate it like this seems improbable. Most players will get a jeep to contend with hidden kets because it's not easy to pinpoint their location from audio alone. Pre-positioning an AT gun is next level skill.

You did alert his teammate that you were using a cloaked ket at 16:25 by revealing his sniper. But the ket was far away from this reveal spot at 21:30.
#3Arashenstein  May 16 2023, 10:44 AM -

Replays: 80 Game:
Title changed upon request.
#4Manf741  May 28 2023, 12:12 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Little update !

I met the same guy with another name ( "We have lost the site" , " The perfect mind in a healthy body", "Happy Ending" )i know it's him since his steam profile displays those names used in the past)

I can definitely confirm he is not playing legit ( will upload the replay later) with arti shots right on targets ( cloaked snips .. & more ) deep in FOW , I checked replay dozen of times again ofc to ensure I'm not accusing in vain

Also, another member uploaded a replay with obvious proof ( mortar fire on
cloacked snip isolated in FOW) while playing vs same guy, I will re upload it later also, as it seems it was deleted for some reason.. post-13661-1143531603.gif

This guy is right now lvl 18 (pos 7) as wehr 2V2 . Sad.

Here is his steam ID if you want to keep an eye on him as he changes his pseudo every 10 days or so : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199467889312

This post has been edited by Manf741: Feb 4 2024, 22:20 PM
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