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Company of Heroes

Super Entertaining (LOL)

#1Statement  Aug 22 2023, 00:54 AM -

Replays: 71 Game:
This match was ultimate survival. I don't want to spoil. Extreme clutch, kept believing. High risks, high rewards.. But did it reward?

CW (lvl 13, pos 15)
WM (lvl 14, pos 20)
#2Jammem  Aug 23 2023, 12:41 PM -
Replays: 46
wp, just shows how strong stuhs are >_> i guess all you can do is, as you tried, arty the supporting paks and build FFs or make a 17 and rush the pak?
#3Statement  Aug 23 2023, 21:06 PM -

Replays: 71 Game:
QUOTE(Jammem @ Today, 12:41 PM)
wp, just shows how strong stuhs are >_> i guess all you can do is, as you tried, arty the supporting paks and build FFs or make a 17 and rush the pak?

I was too stubborn to get 17lb here
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