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Company of Heroes

Humble bragger gets got

#1pwnstick  Dec 4 2023, 21:52 PM -
Replays: 80
Guy is a good player with super annoying wire and traps, creating aggressive chokepoints with forward sniper positions. Respectable WER, but he decides to be a cunt and brag about having no doctrine after he has multiple panthers on the field and the map is locked down with traps. Too bad for him the men of the United States army were determined to break through.
#2v-snejok  Dec 4 2023, 22:31 PM -
Replays: 2
wow great game, to be honor he didnt use doctrine for 98% of game, only on last minutes he tryed to go blitz for tiger, also I liked how he played without any arty. You played well too. GG!
#3MoreLuckPlease  Dec 6 2023, 00:52 AM -
Replays: 258 Game:
lol, this noob needs more panthers vs. paks & rifles smile.gif no usage of mun, no nebs, mortar or stuka against paks, no medic bunkers, mp floating... typical noob who thinks t4 = win.

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