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Company of Heroes

nice game before steak house

#11FriendoftheDevil  Mar 19 2024, 17:00 PM -
Replays: 22
QUOTE(pwnstick @ Today, 16:30 PM)
If I'm remembering this game correctly, it was the double MGs that dominated this game. I can sometimes be so shit against 2mgs.

Just one MG which you killed by the 10 minute mark along with a volks squad. the MG wasn't rebuilt until about half an hour in. You weren't far off with your first comment imo - Howie and sniper dying young really sucked for you. Sniper was unlucky, by techno's own admission, but the swift V1 on the howitzer was a nice play by Techno. You recovered decently from the early rifle loss though, and it seemed winnable at various points. Mortar and pumas hurt your capping squads and slowed your progress. I'm not sure if the way you traded tanks was optimal when he had better fuel income, especially losing the Sherman. At points you fucked his shit up though but he made it too difficult for you to cap his fuel and cut-off on the right side, so he ended up with a resource advantage for most of the game. It was an entertaining game smile.gif
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