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Company of Heroes

WM 62 v US 57

#1Jammem  Feb 10 2024, 14:43 PM -
Replays: 46
Sup yard 2 is soo niceee yo
#2MoreLuckPlease  Feb 11 2024, 17:20 PM -
Replays: 258 Game:
well done breaking through defense wink.gif wasting panther to get howitzer, when you have v1, interesting ^^ also building 2 panthers is questionable when he struggled against your inf and snipers actually...to many questions to few answers xD
#3Jammem  Feb 11 2024, 20:33 PM -
Replays: 46
Having watched that replay, I definitely could have been more aggressive, but Im always wary of a mine ruining the entire push
Yeah, honestly, my howitser wasnt even hitting much anyway lol, so diving with a panther was a very strange play. An ostwind or p4 would have served him much better I'm sure.
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