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Company of Heroes

the Scheldt: Defying the Myth of Superior Players

#1redbullzuiper  Feb 21 2024, 17:06 PM -

Replays: 45 Game:
In the world of Scheldt players, where egos soar higher than the virtual skies, there exists a paradox of perceived greatness and actual skill deficiency. Their obsession with "the Scheldt" knows no bounds, perhaps stemming from a lack of creativity and a desire for easy victories.

Every time I glanced at the inflated stats of these self-proclaimed champions, a spark ignited within me. It was a call to action, a challenge to prove that true skill transcended mere numbers. Especially when faced with opponents like Feldprinz, boasting an undefeated record that crumbled into a -3 streak after just three encounters with me.

The battlefield was fraught with challenges, from relentless artillery bombardments to devastating losses amidst the chaos of war. Yet, with each setback, I found myself rising to the occasion, driven by a determination to prove that victory belonged to those who dared to innovate and adapt.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, it became clear that true greatness wasn't measured by flawless records or boastful claims. It was forged in the crucible of adversity, where every defeat was a lesson and every victory a testament to resilience. And in that moment, I realized that the greatest battles weren't fought for glory alone, but for the sheer thrill of the challenge itself.
#2Volkl  Feb 21 2024, 17:40 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
You defended well but this was not a bonafide Scheldt match. I put most of the blame on Brit for rushing a captain and stuart, along with a 17 pounder, before a 25 pounder. The stuart accomplished nothing. The 17 pounder could have been skipped with double air teammates. He made more bofors than 25 pounders (only one). With two air teammates, he needed at least three 25 pounders early. Priests come too late and waiting for them gives Axis way too much breathing room. Having no arty for 10 minutes and only one arty piece for the first 20 minutes is a losing strategy for allies.

Typically it's better to have one airborne and one infantry player to complement brit even though two air can work just fine. With PE on slot 6 and Wehr on 4 and 5, two Brit would have worked very well. Slot 3 brit can quickly take down Wehr HQ on slot 4 with mortar pits and slot 6 would be hard pressed to respond with a marder while under siege.

Scheldt in general is bad for Allied armor but when facing Luftwaffe it's just pointless. Yet Brit wasted resources on tanks.

Will wub for your narrative but not for the game itself.
#3redbullzuiper  Feb 24 2024, 20:20 PM -

Replays: 45 Game:
Dont take it so serious ^^
#4Wagwan  Feb 26 2024, 13:02 PM -
Replays: 41
Hemingway himself couldn't have written it better xD
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