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Company of Heroes


#1pwnstick  Mar 12 2024, 20:25 PM -
Replays: 80
Faction is completely inferior even with captain sprint. Change my mind.

1 hour game here, single digit VPs on both sides. If captain sprinting is cheating, then I'm a cheater.
#2FriendoftheDevil  Mar 14 2024, 13:45 PM -
Replays: 22
Nice job holding on with just 14VPs left!

I don't play Brits, and I play T1 against them so I'm no expert here, but I'll share my thoughts/suggestions anyway:

-Bren carrier might be good to chase away Pios at the start and I've seen it parked in their base before T2 is built. As USA I find a Jeep useful if there's a lot of Pioneers.
-Maybe a second Recon squad to delete flamers?
-You over invested in early AT, it seemed like you were preparing for a StuH, but he'd already used FTFL before you upgraded the second PIAT squad or the 17 Pounder was up.
-Early LT loss sad.gif
-Heroic charge was available by the time you Captain Sprinted. Most of the later sprints were overkill imo
-FTFL was killing you, perhaps you could have held back and fought on your own territory, secured your fuel and got a 25 Pounder up?
-Floated 1000mp at one point (Is this normal?)
-Your Cromwells didn't really do anything for quite a while.
-Arty Doc without 25 Pounder?

And Wehrmacht made loads of mistakes - everything after the first Panther was questionable second Panther was an awful choice. I'd rather have seen Knights and Vet3 Infantry and Stukas

I don't want to draw any conclusions from this, personally I feel sprinting's too strong against T1 play, especially MGs and snipers. But there's a time and a place for abusing and if your opponent wants to spam FTFL all game I don't care what you do wink.gif I rarely abuse anything, I never start the abuse, but I have Pak abused vs Staghound Spam and if I see my opponent exploiting anything, even cap walking I feel like everything's fair game. An exploit is an exploit, don't start it.

And If they maphack or sniper spam or cap reset excessively with PE or ghost trap my jeep or wish cancer on children then... Well... They're on my list and if I win the lottery... I'll track them down and I'll call a couple of hard, pipe-hittin' Wiggas, who'll go to work on the homies with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. YOU HEAR ME TALKIN', HILLBILLY BOYS? I AIN'T THROUGH WITH YOU BY A DAMN SIGHT. I'MA GET MEDIEVAL ON YOUR ASS!!

Excuse me.
#3pwnstick  Mar 14 2024, 16:59 PM -
Replays: 80
Stuh absolutely rapes on this map and from north start I find it difficult to get piats and AT on the field timely. Bren Carrier may be helpful but definitely slows down tech to T2. The houses everwhere and tight roads also make it an easier map to counter bren.

Def should have gone double recon, good call.

Early AT was unforced errors by me after already seeing FTFL, good call.

Flotaing 1k was not a problem since i had to wait for fuel for next units and had to reinforce a large inf blob.

Croms did their job of holding north against a shrek/flamer push.

At no point in this game could I afford a 25 pounder, or be able to protect it from a shrek/flamer/tank push. The doc choice was almost purely for officer arty abilities to pin inf blobs and hold VPs.

You're right that WER made a bunch of mistakes. He should have won this game. But I pretty much suck against WER on sturz, and similarly, I basically never lose to brits on this map.

I feel like WER T1 is too strong against brits who literally have no counter to snipers. CPT sprinting is at best an appropriate counter to snipers.

#4Jammem  Mar 14 2024, 19:54 PM -
Replays: 46
i know youre ranked higher than me, and u were sturz north so cut-off play is harder, but i feel like packing up hq immediately after hq loses you a lot of potential pressure as brit which prevents wm from investing in vet and (from what ive experienced) forces them to hold off getting stuhs immediately. it also delays ur t2 since u miss out on a whole minute of fuel that u dont get while ur hq is mobile. so instead of getting a few extra mu, u get t2 out 1 min quicker and can quickly answer the ht

packing up immediately always felt like a huge uphill battle, but now I dont do that, it has felt a lot easier honestly.

This post has been edited by Jammem: Mar 14 2024, 20:04 PM
#5FriendoftheDevil  Mar 14 2024, 21:46 PM -
Replays: 22
Well I watched it again... maybe you're right about the Bren Carrier, I was thinking that you'd trade the fuel cost to maintain a better income but perhaps its a capping power issue.

But I think you could have got away with building a 25 Pounder - because you got away with wasting your first Cromwell, which cost about the same! TBH when I said it I was imagining it much earlier but you'd need a truck on fuel to do that, and of course that would affect your munitions income. Its crazy how fuel starved you were for the first 15 minutes or so.

While your Cromwells protected your 17 Pounders your blob was sprinting into his Ostwinds and and his FTFL blob... Obviously no fog in the replay but I still think you could have played them better. Perhaps you could have afforded a Priest if you weren't bleeding so bad.

Your First LT died to a nasty flamer crit just as he got vet 1 sad.gif he got too close but still unlucky. But what about heroic charge? Am I wrong about that? Also if you have 2 Vet LTs can you spam it?

I don't disagree about the manpower floating, I noticed you soon used it up reinforcing. If you were playing a proper faction it would be crazy though!

At least you agree on a few things! Like I said, I don't play Brits, so don't take me too seriously! I'm just curious about the meta game.
#6Manf741  Mar 14 2024, 22:04 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
QUOTE(pwnstick @ Today, 17:59 PM)

I feel like WER T1 is too strong against brits who literally have no counter to snipers. CPT sprinting is at best an appropriate counter to snipers.

Recon Squad ? Bren( in bren ) ? Mortar ? Any combination of those ?
Then for late game, arty, commandos, faghound, etc ?

It's not like Brits are poor in the abuses departement either.
This post has been edited by Manf741: Mar 17 2024, 16:05 PM
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