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Company of Heroes

Royal Flush

#1FriendoftheDevil  Mar 24 2024, 12:41 PM -
Replays: 22
This time from North, and with Jeep. A bit of a beatdown, things just went my way early on - luck of the draw!

Rangers! bowdown.gif Bazooka RNG was thum.gif

I made some good plays later on - calculated risks and tactical sacrifice. Scorched Earth didn't help, Hummel artillery was useless. Sorry for posting him twice, but I'm proud of this one!

30 mins
#2COHpa3yma  Mar 25 2024, 16:57 PM -
Replays: 47
QUOTE(FriendoftheDevil @ Yesterday, 12:41 PM)
This time from North, and with Jeep. A bit of a beatdown, things just went my way early on - luck of the draw!

Rangers! bowdown.gif Bazooka RNG was thum.gif

I made some good plays later on - calculated risks and tactical sacrifice. Scorched Earth didn't help, Hummel artillery was useless. Sorry for posting him twice, but I'm proud of this one!

30 mins

nice game, wp
sick rangers
#3FriendoftheDevil  Mar 25 2024, 19:04 PM -
Replays: 22
Thanks for watching and commenting on my games, brother, I appreciate it!
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