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Company of Heroes

Why Wehrmacht shouldn't rage quit early.

#1Mystery Dave  May 23 2024, 20:39 PM -
Replays: 2
This is a mostly n00b game with a couple of mid players on each team.

As often happens with team matches one side has more success than the other for both teams.

Brit occupies the mid with lots of MG nests and, supported by US snipers control the left well.

A reversal happens and PE mortars and StuH make inroads into the Brit emplacements but the allies regain the right.

One of the wehrmacht mid level players rage quits in frustration at their losses on the right, however axis go on to win.

A lesson into why time is on your side as axis and you should at least communicate with your team prior to leaving, as losses you see might be more than balanced by gains they are seeing.
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