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Company of Heroes

[R] Special vs LordPixie

#1y0urself  Nov 22 2006, 04:43 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Hi there! Long time watcher, first time poster. Some of you may know me as 7up or Foxie, if that's you then hey fellas this is my first replay and you better watch it! I would like to take this moment to appoligize to LordPixie in advance and anyone else this rec. may offend. tongue.gif

Now with the disclaimers out of the way, this is a 15 minute replay of rifles (upraded with grenades), flame engineers, and a single jeep owning it hard on semois:

Step One:
Queue up your engineers as usual, so you can focus on battles (send one to the north and one to the south). Your first unit should be a jeep to prevent axis from barbwiring you off from the southern region, and for harassing in general. In the beginning you'll want to focus your attacks all around the map and keep your units spread out capping as much as possible until you get your grenades. But don't be careless with your units (ie: letting them die when they don't need to). After grenades it's cake if you completed step one succesfully, just take two riflemen squads to take out the early MG nests.

Step Two:
TANKS drol.gif

Step Three:
"gg" cool2.gif

-IF your opponent goes volk heavy grab some flame upgrades for your engineers.
-Don't get BARs you'll be happier with early tanks. thumb.gif
-If your opponent goes Tier 2 don't be afraid to make a Croc, they own infantry a bit harder than their sherman predecessors.
-Good rule of thumb is to only have 3 riflesquads on the field at once, that's all you will ever need unless you're in a 2v2 game where your partner is.. immensely less-skilled and your apm is off the charts.
-If you have enough munitions and manpower saved up throw down an early paratooper squad and upgrade it for anti-vehicles as a failsafe.
-When you have map advantage between the infantry/tank phase throw down a few mines, because chances are you'll be forced to retreat before tanks make their entrance onto the battlefield.
-Practice makes perfect!

Enjoy the replay!
This post has been edited by Architect: Nov 22 2006, 11:07 AM
#2HeroicCompany  Nov 22 2006, 08:44 AM -
Replays: 17 Game:
looks interesting definitely a good watch for intermediate players workin towards the next lvl
#3Gerbil  Nov 22 2006, 08:51 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
Hi HeroicCompany

I'll watch.
#4armoek  Nov 22 2006, 09:52 AM -
Replays: 2
axis players should definitely watch this.
this is a good example of what happens when you
1. dont pay attention to your MG
2. have you mg isolated(ie MG unsupported = dead MG)

awesome Jeep micro though.
thats what ive found when playing really good allies players
i swear jeep micro can win a game on its own.
#5Zodiac402  Nov 22 2006, 10:54 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Wow @ Jeep micro. That was incredibly impressive.

I'll definitely be trying this out some, although I'll probably lose my jeep straight away >_>.
#6WISE Architect  Nov 22 2006, 11:07 AM -
Hi there! Welcome to GameReplays.org!!!

IŽll review this replay. OMFG! biggrin.gif

Might take some days... will be ready before or during Saturday.
Be patiente please.

#7Zodiac402  Nov 22 2006, 13:03 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Tried out this strat just there - and the opening pretty much won me the game. I've never liked semois due to massive MG problems and the lack of fuel to get nades early, but this basically prevented them from getting any MGs in place at all! I didn't find the jeep to be fast enough to stop them cutting me off at the bottom however, although the guy didn't cap the 2nd sp.

Now I just need to improve my general micro with this, and harass their fuel point a lot and I'm good to go.

This opening = Win. Thanks a hell of a lot for posting it.
#8evotech  Nov 22 2006, 16:02 PM -
Replays: 53 Game:
man pixie you where put to fucking shame lol

and, as a sidenot: your units inside HT was killed bcus of teh mine, just like Shrecks / zookas / RR do
#9WISE Architect  Nov 24 2006, 22:13 PM -
Watching it atm.

Review soon. Today or tomorrow. smile.gif
#10y0urself  Nov 24 2006, 23:31 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Thanks Architect
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