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Company of Heroes

[R] ChinaPanda vs LokiGer007

#1chiral  Sep 17 2006, 19:15 PM -
Replays: 1
Hi guys, I'm a warcraft III Frozen Thrones player, just recently venturing into the CoH universe. I got the game 2 days ago and I have to say it lives up to all the hype! Duing those 2 days, I spent the time watching the replays on this site, learning how to play the game.
This is my second ranked match, and I would love some feedback.
This may not be the greatest game ever, it can't even compare to the craziness in the Inubasha/Pillars game, but the thing is, me and Loki were so closely matched that it was a even game all the way to the end, where he unluckily dropped... when he dropped, we both had the same amount of victory points, it was that close.

A few notes:
Since I play warcraft I'm all about the micro. I don't think I've lost a single vehicle except a jeep that chased a sniper back to the Loki's base, where I sacrificed it for the sniper kill.
A lot of unit countering in the game, as soon as new unit comes in to shift the tide of the battle the counter was brought out.
Some grenade dodging and exchanging near the end that served to capture a critical point that cut off Loki's supply lines.

I think I played fairly well for having only 2 days of gaming. Please comment on what I could have done better so that I may improve.
This post has been edited by chiral: Sep 17 2006, 19:22 PM
#2SOPSCompy  Sep 18 2006, 00:11 AM -
Game Version 1.02

Not too bad of a game, it seems someone had to leave mid game though...

IPB Image LokiGer007: Blitzkreig Doctrine
Build Order: 3 engineers, Whermact, Kreigs, Sturm

The good smile.gif:
smile.gif Fast expansion
smile.gif Sniper and weapon team use were usually decent
smile.gif Retreated at decent times
smile.gif LMG on grenadiers! (one of my personal favs)
The not-so-good sad.gif:
sad.gif A lot of Pioneers, would you possibly have been served better by volks?
sad.gif Idle units too often
sad.gif Could have used engies on wrecks instead of them just sitting in base
sad.gif Kreigs just for one grenadiers?

Tips: DON'T build Useless buildings! You may have gained more from going straight to teir 3 without the kreigs, and subbed in stormtroopers instead of grenadiers. Gj getting to teir 3 quickly though. One last thing would be to KEEP THOSE ENGIES BUSY! could have been harrasing, salvaging or possibly OPing. SOMETHING is better than NOTHING even if you do end up having to retreat them.

IPB Image ChinaPanda: Armor Company
Build Order: Weapons Center, Barracks, Supply dump, Motor Pool

The good smile.gif:
smile.gif More standard start than axis (to me at least)
smile.gif Decent MG placement at first
smile.gif Harrasing
smile.gif NO IDLE UNITS!! (that i noticed)
smile.gif decent sniper usage
smile.gif Jeep usage
The not-so-good sad.gif:
sad.gif HMG to cap?
sad.gif Weapons before barracks? You did make it work though.
sad.gif Suicide Jeep...
sad.gif Left right side High points unguarded
post-13661-1143531603.gif garrisoned sniper

Tips: Good weapon team usage, except for that HMG cap, where you probably should have used something else instead. If you would have capped with something else, you would have still had that building as well. Not quite sure if garrisoning snipers is always best idea, but it seemed to work. I would rather have it roaming and picking of straglers. Pioneers only have 2 guys, that equates to 2 sniper shots usually, for a 120 manpower kill. A few of those, not to mention other weapon team kills, and you've paid back your sniper in manpower kills. probably should have retreated that jeep you lost, but o well. I would have liked to have seen something over by the high points on the right side, those points are important, fuel is invaluable to Armor company, not to mention its use for BARs, stickies and such.

Overall: decent game, probably not the most entertaining, but I spent most of my time in the tac map. Some good tactics exhibited, but one of the players had to leave unfortunately. They left it right as neck and neck as well...

Axis: 3/10
Allies: 3.5/10
Overall: 3/10
Entertainment: 3/10

Good game

#3chiral  Sep 18 2006, 00:42 AM -
Replays: 1
Thanks alot for the review SOPSCompy!
You are right about the MG cap, it almost cost me the position if not for the sniper covering from the opposing house.
The high ammunition/fuel points on the left and right side were definitely a weak point for me that game. It was my first time on that map and I never bothered to check the tactical map for high/low points. (very noob of me)
Also, point taken with the garrisoned sniper. It is a waste. I now team it up with a field rilfe and it is very effective on the run.
But about the suicide jeep, isn't trading it off with a sniper worth it? I think sniper is 340 manpower, and jeep is 220.
This post has been edited by chiral: Sep 18 2006, 00:50 AM
#4SOPSCompy  Sep 18 2006, 01:58 AM -
Ah! I must have missed that, you are right, that may have been worth it.
I don't know exactly when you killed the sniper, but Jeeps are > motorcycles in that they can back up, so you could have possibly microed it out and took off. just a possible thought. I just didn't like the idea of possibly leaving him the munitions he *should have* taken.
#5WISE Architect  Sep 21 2006, 10:45 AM -
Very nice review SOPSCompy! thumb.gif

This post has been edited by Architect: Sep 21 2006, 10:46 AM
#6-=xerxes-=  Sep 21 2006, 11:23 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
regarding the not-so-goods from the review:
why isnt it good to build first a WSC(you even said it worked out)?
there are many not-so-noobs lately who prefer a WSC over barracks as their first building.
and using a HMG to cap a point is pretty common too, (you dont have rifles with a WSC start wink.gif ).
sure, you could get attacked but you could get overwhelmed with a rifleman or engineer squad too (just retreat) and i dont think anybody would write a con if you had to retreat you engeneer squad from capping a point.
i admit i have yet to watch the replay.
all in all nice review (minor flaws: Whermact=Wehrmacht, Kreig=Krieg)
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