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Company of Heroes

Dropphack is lame

#1FruitBanana  Aug 15 2008, 17:54 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
This replay show how some ppl ruin ranked games. I just wanted fair ranked game and i got this. Yes, after some minutes in game guy get to conclusion that he cant win, wohohoo then the lagg came (ofcourse there wasnt before). Yes my teammate was kicked, woohoho no more lagg!!!, yep i was alone with CPU, but i manage to survive and even to how to say pnew them, and when guy saw that he cant win again, guess what lagg again, you all know what happend next......

check replay its fun.....
#2Arabi  Aug 16 2008, 00:56 AM -
Replays: 26 Game:
Send replay to relic with a Screenshot from the game. Describe short what happened (who lags acc name).
If it is so obvious as you said, it will be easy for relic to decide what to do.

PS: I also sended one to relic and 1-2 days later the one who drophacked received an e-mail from relic smile.gif.

- Arabi
#3Slivin  Aug 16 2008, 05:12 AM -
Replays: 24 Game:
sucks man, send it to relic
#4JM12  Aug 16 2008, 06:54 AM -
Replays: 40 Game:
do they actually treat drophack? I sent 1 to them and they completely ignore me.
#5Stahljaeger  Aug 16 2008, 23:58 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Was it the FschJgDiv guy? One of them has drophacked me before.
#6nunya  Aug 17 2008, 07:38 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
I don't get what happened, I thought the brit player dropped and it was the AI, when in fact it wasn't, and I thought you were blaming Fsch for making him drop???

I could see the end was a bit messed up...I don'tunderstand how any of that works.
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