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Company of Heroes

Rizky vs. SquirrellyWrath

#11panzerfabrik  May 7 2009, 11:01 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I can't believe you go PG and Inf HT Spam vs. a low level guy and then whine about him building TWO(!!!) T-17 the whole game, the first one just barely saving his ass from PE P4 baserape bullshit, after the Inf HT bs. All your Panthers had more Inf kills than his T-17.
I think T-17 isn't much bigger bs than Inf HT spam, AC spam and the infameous and P4 rush.

I mean, shure, T-17 has to be tuned, no question about it.
But this constant whining by everybody and his mum, yet not playing nice guy yourself, get's on my nerfes.

You could have given him credits doing his best. And I saw equal "abuse" by you. Just by building T-17 you aren't an abuser instantly.
At least his Jeep use was cool. A good try.

But, sigh, just whining, whining, whining, even by the a player who stomped the ground with a low level guy who had some bright moments ...
This post has been edited by panzerfabrik: May 7 2009, 11:09 AM
#12Rizky  May 7 2009, 11:16 AM -
Ehm what whining? My principle is not to honor people who use AB or t17s. I just made my statement there.

Besides I am friends with that guy.
#13Duncan66  May 7 2009, 12:04 PM -
Replays: 0
what a game Rizky, nice comeback with 2nd round of Panthers a then with repairing Jag and others. wow, I love this game. Surely WUBB bowdown.gif
#14saneel  May 7 2009, 13:20 PM -
Replays: 44 Game:
t17 pwning pzr4? lol. nice use of panthers and repair tiger. we all know that PE has no good heavy tanks, and those that they had, are very very expensive, but if you use them corectly, you can turn the tide of game. PE player did that. nice use of jadg and panthers against so many pershings and at guns. thumb.gif
#15JohnHardtack  May 7 2009, 18:39 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
A really entertaining game! I think folks should watch and learn from it.


I thought you were done for. Unit preservation, thoughtful upgrades including advanced repair and veteran sergeants plus Panthers saved you. I kept waiting for the Berge too.


Loved the use of the jeep to finish off those IH's. I think that the T17's really helped, but how else do you go after a base-raping Panzer IV? Well played!

I thought the whining was minimal. Practically gentlemanly!

Rizky proved that there ARE counters to the T17.

Other thoughts...Great Vampire use with Goliaths! You don't see that much. And Teller mines are brutal!

I believe that there are far too many players who would rather scream OP, rather than use the tools that are available to them.

Again, kudos to a well played game by both of you!
This post has been edited by JohnHardtack: May 7 2009, 18:42 PM
#16Casey~  May 8 2009, 07:18 AM -
Replays: 24 Game:
I can't believe you go PG and Inf HT Spam vs. a low level guy and then whine about him building TWO(!!!) T-17 the whole game, the first one just barely saving his ass from PE P4 baserape bullshit, after the Inf HT bs. All your Panthers had more Inf kills than his T-17.
I think T-17 isn't much bigger bs than Inf HT spam, AC spam and the infameous and P4 rush.

I mean, shure, T-17 has to be tuned, no question about it.
But this constant whining by everybody and his mum, yet not playing nice guy yourself, get's on my nerfes.

You could have given him credits doing his best. And I saw equal "abuse" by you. Just by building T-17 you aren't an abuser instantly.
At least his Jeep use was cool. A good try.

But, sigh, just whining, whining, whining, even by the a player who stomped the ground with a low level guy who had some bright moments ...

LOL you are saying IHT's are just as OP as t17's? LMFAO, funny man. IHT's aren't even OP in the first place, there's just so many allied fanboys. T17 is 10x worse than IHT's, an american player can lose and everything then get a t17 and come back from nothing.... and lol your saying a P4 baserush is OP? rofl, maybe you should have AT guns earlier? people only get p4 baserushed if they've been getting out microed the whole game and they aren't prepared

BTW nice game, offensive vet 3 shreks never miss a shot biggrin.gif
This post has been edited by SuckerTrainBlues: May 8 2009, 07:19 AM
#17GayMMALover  May 8 2009, 11:14 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Tbh Iht are OP, of course they are not even close to T-17 Opness, but their supress rate must be fixed.
#18Keeper Garrett  May 8 2009, 16:17 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
This had my wub on that immobilizing grenade!
#19squirrelofwrath  May 9 2009, 01:01 AM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Yeah that was quite the game.
If I may add my 2 cents...
Nothing is "more OP"
There.. lol
#20BanzaiSheep  May 17 2009, 13:19 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Cool game!
Thought the US player did very well!

Really thought he was going to win - bu guess you wouldn't have posted then... E-peen and all...

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