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Company of Heroes

Fatebomb(armor) vs. Dr.Horse(luft)

#21Motto  Aug 10 2009, 02:45 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
I have to agree with Charlie on this one, DR Horse played amazing. He made the slightest of mistakes at the start not retreating earlier on a skirmish or two with rifles v PG's but overall, he played amazing.

I think the only chance he could have had was to get out double panthers but again, I think charlie demonstrated perfectly that AWM desperately needs a rethink.

One half solution would be to give it a massive cooldown, personally, I would like to see every ability have at least a 3 minute cooldown but AWM in its current state could do with a 10 minute cooldown.

AWM concept is stupid, always has been and always will. It rewards stupidity and encourages retardation from the axis. The concept of forcing your units to fire at the ground rather than the enemy is just plain fucking stupid. I would like to see something along the lines of being able to buy cheaper armour for a period. Imagine, 1/3rd-1/4 discount on all tanks purchased while active. i.e Pay AWM fee, then queue 3 m10's for 600mp in 5 seconds, something along those lines.

Zealer, he used 2 shermans and 1 m8, not sure what replay you were watching.
This post has been edited by Motto: Aug 10 2009, 02:47 AM
#22Ladiesman89  Aug 10 2009, 03:49 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Nice game. Wub
#23Korrumpierung  Aug 10 2009, 05:25 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Actually...IT wasnt a good game...The US was floating on resources...And doing some pretty dangerous stuff(charging green cover...While horse played superbly...But raped like a...Geez They dont even have a comparison that would do justice...
By my accounts for this US gameplay...Dr horse should of raped you... But I guess Relic knows what its doing....

Are you serious? I did everything right. I kept my M-8 i responded to his tech, I lost no units. The only thing I floated was munitions which I used later with my doctrine abilities. But yes it was too easy if that is what your getting at.

i didnt notice any major mistakes on either side. that was a pretty good game, however i wonder if seph could pull a win out of this with super-berge-power. lookin forward to more pe rape-age.
#24squirrelofwrath  Aug 10 2009, 06:40 AM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Great play by both of you, but if you both played well then that means the PE loses. I saw excellent use of Luftwaffe company by DrHorse as I watched from his point of view. I believe the game breaker, aside from PE being underpowered, was when FateBomb remembered to desroy those Marder carcasses. With those in the game the shermans could have been forced to hide a bit more.

Watching a marder shell bounce off of a sherman pisses me off.

Great play though.
#25Replaysystem  Aug 10 2009, 21:36 PM -

Replays: 0
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#26DJ Soundwave  Aug 10 2009, 22:27 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
props to horse for keepin on fighting till the end, amazing game btw, amazing micro and macro, but PE is WAAAAAY to UP this patch, cause imo horse was the better player in this game....
but not by too much... fate kept cool and collected and finished it
#27MIKUMAIWAIFU  Aug 11 2009, 15:52 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
The only thing that this game proves is the inability of PE to deal with ammie tankspam, and the ease for ammie in which this is done.
#28dvorix  Aug 11 2009, 18:39 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Hmm i think PE player did mistakes.

First ketten was suicide.

Why bergtiger? To repair one marder and ketten?

So much waiting for USA attack -> 1/3 PE army against all USA army on riht side. Then left side ...


#29rollems  Aug 14 2009, 20:09 PM -
no fun in the game.
also PE could have played more aggressive. he got afraid with one AT Gun and did not push???? there were so many opportunities to flank it.
#30charliesshortt  Aug 17 2009, 21:59 PM -
Replays: 90 Game:
anyone who thinks the PE played badly int eis game I welcome you to come play me.
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