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Company of Heroes

Counter to top player roo spam

#11Blechdose  Sep 5 2009, 11:57 AM -
- Brit should have targeted the Pio building the T4 Panzer Command with the Stuart which might have ended the game right there.

- If under attack while building, get more builder units to build faster. If possible, move your builder unit close to the Headquaters/Barracks or another building which allows reinforcements while building. In the worst case, you can try to build the same building in parallel in another corner of the base, if you are lucky your opponent will not notice (if you delete the building before it's finished, you get the resources back).

- If you know that Roos are coming, put some mines around and in your base, at least slowing them down.

- Get vet1 for your tanks, it's a great value for the investement

- With all your munitions and command points, you could have gotten some artillery like Firestorm/V1/Rocket Barrage for attacking the brit fortress and possibly weakening his infantry force as well.
#12Statesocialism  Sep 5 2009, 13:19 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
The Britt player played pretty badly I thought. Like stated before, he could have stopped the Panzer Command from going up. He could also easily have cut you off from your fuel while he was in your base.

This doesn’t really convince me about the viability of T1-T4 against Britts ...
#13GayMMALover  Sep 5 2009, 15:07 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Defebsive straight to the 88 is a good option I think, and going straight for T4 is not an easy task.

Anyway, gg.
#14A1oha  Sep 5 2009, 16:11 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Heh. This dude did not even choose a doctrine to fight the evil bangbuses. Good job.

he was Blitz, but just choose the assauld nades, phps, res. blitz could have helped also, at the point he had ~100 fuel and ~300 ammo but no mp, to pull out a third Panther, when his first 2 were nearby dead. Good job keeping those 2 panthers alive, overall good tank micro! WUB!
#15barabinni  Sep 5 2009, 18:40 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
I must say that this Brit player didn't use his head in this game. He kinda just hoped that throwing a few units around would win him this game without actually doing much. Throw out 2 stuarts early, blob a little inf, throw in a couple of roo's and whabam = victory. Only finding out that isn't actually an automatic win.

I can't wub this simply because there was nothing special going on here. You managed to hold on to your fuel, not surprising as where he managed to loose those opening engagement to a bike, volks and a pio squad.. I just shook my head at this.
#16LeftEm  Sep 6 2009, 00:18 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I did not wub because I think the Brit player did great. I wubbed because multiple two-roo base rushes are almost always unstoppable in 1v1 regardless of how unskilled the Brit player is, so being able to beat them (in this case, just very barely) is at least a small accomplishment.

In my book, the same goes for Brit beating piospam.
#17LuxVestra  Sep 12 2009, 09:49 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
Redforce is a noob inf blobber. Played against him and lost because his inf blob kept running through my MG's, gotta love Brits. Just shows you how high level Brits have no skill and must rely on blobbing/spamming or even better, Roo's

i know its shitty but i really dont think that there is another way to play them, blame the faction not the player or even better blame the player for playing the faction, every brit strat has a whole lot of shit involved.
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